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Such Wonderful Photos

I just wanted to say that I'm so impressed with the photos on this site. Do artistic people get corgis or do corgis make people artistic?

Added by Molly & Linda on November 11, 2010 at 11:53pm — 14 Comments

Poopy eating puppy!!! Yuck

Ok my little Corgi pup is now 5 months. Im going crazy now. Since I have got her she has been eating her and my other 2 dogs poop! Yuck!!!! I have tried EVERYTHING.. The pills at PetSmart for all 3 dogs, Pumpkin, I even go out and sprinkle cayenne pepper over ALL there poops! Im getting grossed out now.. HELP

Added by Sherrys pups Kali & Kowboy on November 11, 2010 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

Puppies from Fresno Breeder Paula born on 3/7/10

I am trying to connect with anyone who may be on this list/site that adopted a puppy from the 3/7/10 littler from the breeder named Paula Jenkins. Paula has re-married. Her name previously was Paula Baggett. The litter was being fostered at the home of a Kris in Fresno. I know Kris kept one of the puppies, but the litter had 4 or 5 more pups besides my Tasha.

They were all picked up before Memorial Day, which was the day we picked up Tasha.…


Added by LouAnne Sassone & Tasha on November 11, 2010 at 8:04pm — 2 Comments

Stuffed Toys!?

Ok, so now that we have narrowly dodged the bullet... I can talk about it. Nothing like closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out. Saturday we had a party at our house and that night Quin started to have diarrhea. I thought maybe someone had fed her something she shouldn't have had. No be deal except washing that fuzzy but every time she goes out especially in the middle of the night. But by Wednesday she still had it and it had turned bloody so I call my vet he tells me to give her… Continue

Added by Kari & Quin on November 11, 2010 at 6:43pm — 8 Comments

Question on crate behaviour

Quick question for the boards. Kali has been sleeping in her crate since I got her. Now all of sudden when I put her in her crate for the evening, she has started carrying on and really barking before settling down for the night. No changes that I can think of and I have checked her crate and nothing wrong in there. Any thoughts? She is teething but I have given her things in her crate that she likes to chew on. Thanks for any advice.

Robin and Kali

Added by Robin on November 11, 2010 at 12:36pm — 4 Comments

Rawhides bad for Corgis??!!

So my brother and I both have corgis.... He just took his puppy to the vet and the vet told him that rawhides dont digest well for Corgis?! He said she gave him a bone that was good for their stomach. And he doesn't remember what it was called but I was wondering if anyone else has heard that and if you do buy a certain bone for them, what is it called?

Added by Ashley on November 11, 2010 at 10:56am — 9 Comments

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Every tuesday and thursday I go home during my lunch to take care of my little Leo. My mom takes care of him all the other days while I'm at work because she works from home. Well, today is Tuesday. I love these days because I get to see him for a little while. During my lunch break I pick him up and take him to Papa's house (my boyfriend John). He gets to play all day with him. Until I pick him up after work.

This morning I took Leo for a walk around the neighborhood. We…

Added by Yuki Norton on November 9, 2010 at 6:57pm — 6 Comments

Honey is doing so much better!

Its been a week tomorrow since she has been off of her kirkland's healthy weight food (consequently so has our kitty) and on Premium Edge Healthy Weight I. What a HUGE difference!! Both of them have a shine back in their fur. Honey's pot belly is pretty much gone and she is starting to become more active and playful. I just can't believe how much it was affecting her. I don't know if I should report her problems or chalk it up to crappy food. Either way I will be getting a refund on her food… Continue

Added by Roxy B on November 8, 2010 at 7:10pm — 9 Comments

Week One with Luna

I was very nervous awaiting the arrival of my new corgi puppy in my life. I mean, yes, I couldn't wait - I missed River dearly - her loss had broken me in a way I didn't think was possible and I wanted a dog in my life again. The way River died, though, was so sudden and unexpected that I couldn't help the feelings of unease bringing this new baby home.

Every week, nay day, I awaited pictures of my new little one and thought seriously about what I would name her. As the days grew… Continue

Added by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on November 8, 2010 at 4:00pm — 10 Comments

First Puppy Play Date...and I Can Fly Now!

Yesterday, Isabella met my brother's yellow lab, Daisy and my parents' long-haired dachshund, Sophie. Both of them are 8-9 years old and already know each other. They both came over (at the same time!) to meet Isabella. Isabella did great! She and Daisy had a blast! It was so fun seeing her play with the "big dog". Daisy was really gentle and I think had great fun playing with a puppy. Sophie, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with it! She wasn't socialized with other dogs as a pup and…


Added by Molly and Isabella on November 8, 2010 at 2:31pm — 5 Comments

Molly: One Month at Rose Cottage

There are many signs I am getting to be a big girl my first month at Rose cottage. I am almost 3 months old today and Mum is letting me do stuff Lily gets to do more and more.

This week I got to sleep on the…


Added by Molly & Linda on November 8, 2010 at 9:09am — 2 Comments

Just a funny aside

I love after holiday sales. I don't own a dog yet, but I acquired two Halloween costumes for when I get one, a sheep and crown/robe combo. Am I the only one that finds it odd that they're a size large at Target?

So I was driving to a friend's place today and my mother-in-law calls and says that she has bought the headless horseman for our future dog. I think she's excited for when we get a corgi too. I knew I infected MY mother, but its quite…

Added by Angela Kau-Forsberg on November 7, 2010 at 7:21pm — 7 Comments

Barking Corgi Saves Lives of Owners - Los Angeles

I love Mini 's expression during the entire interview…

Added by Sam Tsang on November 7, 2010 at 9:14am — 18 Comments

Why I'm not a fan of dog parks

After a couple not-so-great experiences with poorly socialized dogs at our local dog park, we really never go there, choosing instead to let our dogs run around with a small group that meets in a quiet area of a regular park. However, both of ours like to wander off and eat rather than play, and the dogs meet in an unfenced area, so it's less-than-ideal.

I was happy to hear of a new dogpark opening in a neighboring suburb. We went a couple weeks ago and had a nice time. Great view,… Continue

Added by Beth on November 6, 2010 at 10:36pm — 19 Comments

Dewi's Tough Day

Dewi and I spent the morning at the vet after a 4 a.m. urgent potty call, followed by 6:30 a.m. straining and dry heaves. Thankfully, it wasn't an intestinal blockage (as I had feared). However, $242 and two hours of poking, prodding, testing, questioning and waiting later, we learned that Dewi is suffering from a case of acute colitis (which neither of us have ever dealt with before). The vet gave Dewi a shot of antibiotics and something to calm his digestive tract (which, thankfully, seems…


Added by Elizabeth on November 6, 2010 at 9:48pm — 10 Comments

Not sure who is going to have a harder time.....

So as many of you have read Molly is in heat which means that she is spending a lot of time alone out in the sun room. I am not sure if this is harder on me or her. We have only had her for a month but during that time she has always been with me unless I had to go to town or something like that otherwise when I am home she is in the house with me and she sleeps with me at night. Every time I walk out into the other room she starts wriggling all over and is so happy to see me and then gives me… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on November 6, 2010 at 12:55pm — 4 Comments

Thank you All, for pointing me in the right direction re: breeders in my area (No East NJ/NYC/PA/CT). I'm glad I joined the site.

Thank you All, for pointing me in the right direction re: breeders in my area (No East NJ/NYC/PA/CT). I'm glad I joined the site.

Added by G, Cierra & Munchkin on November 6, 2010 at 1:17am — 1 Comment

Lookin' Back to See...if You Were Taking Pics of Me!

Guinness was looking the other way and suddenly looked back when he heard the focus beep...he's come a long way from when he was a puppy and he'd try to get his chompers around the lens to take my camera away from me!

Added by Guinness & Rosie on November 5, 2010 at 7:40pm — 8 Comments

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