Where do the years go? My handsome boy is five years old today! Happy birthday, sweet little man. He's my dog of a lifetime and I absolutely adore the stubborn little thing.
Added by Beth on April 30, 2012 at 8:15pm — 23 Comments
...because Saber is obsessed with removing any sort of bandage from me. Any one else have that problem?
In other news, Saber seems to really have fetch reliably down, knows sit, lay down, ding the service desk bell to go outside, and stand up and touch my hand. I went to a convention for a weekend and left her in the care of my mother. Her new thing is to climb into my lap anytime I sit on the ground. I think that she thinks that I can't leave if she's in my lap. It's kind…
ContinueAdded by Angela Kau-Forsberg on April 30, 2012 at 8:05pm — 5 Comments
I rarely write here anymore and I was actually going to see if I could wait until the middle of May for an update because that will have been Poppy and my 6th month anniversary together! But the last few weeks have been kind of up and down and I feel like updating today. I actually can't believe it's been so long since my last update!
To start off good, things have been going pretty well. Hardly any barked and whining when I leave. Even when I have to go out at night or run errands on…
ContinueAdded by Rebecca and Poppy on April 30, 2012 at 6:19pm — 1 Comment
Just got done giving Chase a much needed bath, he did not enjoy it at all. It may seem weird to some, but sometimes bathe him with me when I take a shower. He seems to handle that much better. I think maybe it's because he's in there with me? He's such a mama's boy.
So I was just wondering...
Who hates bath time and who loves it?
Also if you have methods to making bath time more fun I would love to hear them.
Chase and I play right after bath time. Tug o' war with the…
Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on April 29, 2012 at 9:53pm — 13 Comments
It has been a while since I have written anything about Stinky Wink, but he has been on my mind much of the day--not that he's ever very far from my thoughts. We have been having a new deck built across the back of the house. Wink would have loved it because he could have viewed his little kingdom from a higher vantage point. When I look out the kitchen window above the sink, I can easily see his grave between the spindles of the railing.
I was planting some annuals beside…
ContinueAdded by Randy DeJaynes on April 29, 2012 at 9:07pm — 5 Comments
I received a very fancy e-mail today from the AKC, saying that Ace has been registered in their books. :) So, he's now officially Pynewoode's Ace of Hearts. Isn't that a lovely, perfect name! I can't wait to frame his pedigree when it arrives in the post!
In other news, Ace now has a steady girlfriend (a Border Collie puppy named Gaia) and they have been dating for a week now! Every day for 2 hours straight they zig and zag in a huge, 11.5 hectare park in the heart of my city,…
ContinueThis really doesn't have much to do with corgis, but I felt like writing something today.
We will be able to move into the house we are buying in probably around 2 weeks! This is so exciting, since I decided no puppy until we have the house and a fenced in area. The first project will be a deck out back looking toward the woods, then we will get some sort of small decorative fence for part of the yard.
Need to make sure we have plenty of money before we actually get the…
ContinueAdded by Emily & Scout on April 29, 2012 at 2:47pm — 2 Comments
Invited the two "boys" from next door over, my daughter's lab/newfie mix and Shima to play with Sebastian and Chloe. They are going crazy in the backyard with my Corgi, Sebastian, is keeping tabs on all of them. He definitely thinks he is in charge. Just wish he didn't have to bark while doing it! He is so vocal!
Added by Becky, Sebastian and others on April 29, 2012 at 2:14pm — No Comments
Well, Jack has been here for just about 24 hours now. And I can honestly say, I love this puppy!
Jack was a show prospect before he came to live with me, so he's never learned any of those "silly" things like "sit" or "stay". But he's one of the most polite puppies I've ever met! He doesn't try to eat everything, and if he does, a stern "no" will usually deter him. He does lick... kinda a lot though. Not sure if this will be a problem or not, since I'm not a huge fan of dog…
ContinueAdded by Shou on April 29, 2012 at 3:46am — 11 Comments
April 27, 2012
Mum was at work and Daddy was getting dressed to go out so he let me out the deck door and I ran outside into the cool spring air. We had been napping most of the day in our cozy, warm huddle on the TV room bed. Mum has lots of pillows and soft blankets in there and Daddy is one of the best blankets there are – he rumbles and vibrates like a dirge and I drift away.
The cool, brisk air hit me full in the face as I bounded off the steps;…
ContinueAdded by Molly & Linda on April 29, 2012 at 12:32am — 4 Comments
Just a little post to share that this has been a strange weekend for us. We homeschool and there was a big convention that started Thursday and went through today (Saturday) that we needed to attend. Even though it's local, we made the decision to board the dogs (all three of them) because we had to be gone such long hours. So now we're done and home and the house is sooooooooooooooo empty! We can't pick the dogs up until Monday because they don't do Sunday releases. It seems so strange not…
ContinueAdded by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on April 28, 2012 at 9:35pm — No Comments
For a math class on symmetry in 6th grade, my son had to use a photo of a symmetrical animal and draw in one half.
"What immortal hand or eye/dare frame they fearful symmetry?"
Added by GPN on April 27, 2012 at 5:52pm — 6 Comments
My fiance and I have been working on basic training and behavior with our 6 month old Corgi, Chase. So far he has learned and responded well to "sit" and "go to bed" but the real issue we have is his mannerisms with strangers. This may be (and probably is) my fault because when I first got him I would not let strangers in Petsmart or Petco touch him. I am not a huge fan of exchanging germs with other people and I did not want them to make him sick or pass their germs on to him. But now Chase…
ContinueAdded by Kaitlyn & Chase on April 27, 2012 at 3:59pm — 10 Comments
Hello everyone! Chase and I are new to the site and this is our first blog post.
I finally decided to join because I often found myself coming here for answers to my "Is this just a "Corgi thing?" questions. I like MyCorgi.com because it is full of experienced Corgi parents and new Corgi parents, like…
Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on April 27, 2012 at 3:26pm — 11 Comments
Orion's ACL repair surgery was done yesterday afternoon after tearing it on sunday. He seems to be doing well, except perhaps a little jealous watching the free-roaming Laika and cat from his kennel :( I was a terrible mom and thought that he was sedated enough not to need the e-collar last night but he pulled his stitches so I brought him in this morning and put a…
Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on April 27, 2012 at 2:10pm — 12 Comments
Hi all,
My year old Corgi Bosco is a really agressive chewer. I buy a toy or rope for him and he has it shredded by the day's end. I gave him a tennis ball and he had the fuzz pulled off and the ball in half in an hour. Thankfully he doesn't eat any of it...he just loves chewing. I buy the harder Nylabones and he has a ball chewing them to pointy spears all the time, but wondered if any of you experienced owners with chewers have any recommedation for some fun toys that can stand…
ContinueAdded by Tina Schultz on April 27, 2012 at 11:46am — 4 Comments
I just joined, and wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm Allie, and my husband, 3 yr old son, and myself just got our very first corg-monster. She's a sable (but mostly red) Pem, and she is 12 weeks. We've had her now for about 4 weeks, and while she is a little firecracker (and frankly a teeny bit bossy) we love her, and I'm already planning out…
ContinueAdded by Allie May Thitte on April 27, 2012 at 10:47am — 8 Comments
Talked to the breeder today. Jack's flying out here tomorrow night! By this time tomorrow, he should already be here! :] I'm so excited!!! We had a slight hiccup earlier since Jack went to the vet, and the vet found out he developed hematoma at his incision site, but he should be fine with some antibiotics. Which I will now have to learn to feed to him. Haha.
Today I went pet supply shopping. Spent a good... almost $200. And that's without all the crate stuff, and the x-pen!…
ContinueAdded by Shou on April 27, 2012 at 2:19am — 16 Comments
We are now counting down the days! We get the boys a week from tomorrow (May 4th). We can hardly wait. Taffy's ears are firmly up, but Huey's ears are being lazy . LOL We are so anxious to get them home.…
Added by Randy DeJaynes on April 27, 2012 at 12:11am — 9 Comments
Help! I have an incredibly wonderful but STUBBORN corgi. She is almost a year and a half and I still cannot train her to walk properly on a leash.
She pulls constantly, barks and does not listen to us. It ruins the walking experience for everyone involved.
We've tried leashes, harnesses, muzzle-harnesses, and choke collars (NOT with spikes!). We will hold her close to us, tell her bad dog when she pulls, try to reward her when she doesn't pull (which is close to…
ContinueAdded by Kristin Carner on April 26, 2012 at 5:25pm — 6 Comments
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