May 2011 Blog Posts (109)

2 female Corgi's need forever home

Attached are pics of two female corgis in Santa Rosa that need homes. The owner would like to place them together. Contact her (Michelle) if you are interested. cell # 707-799-8484

Added by Sondra on May 31, 2011 at 11:53am — 4 Comments

Breaders of tri-colored corgi's in Illinois/Indiana/Iowa ?

I'm looking for breeders of tri-colored corgis in the central u.s.  I want to find a breeder before the liter is born so I can request that my puppy NOT have his or her tail docked.  I LOVE THEIR TAILS!  I have found one in Franklin, IN...anyone know of any others?  Not going to pay more than $600 either.  The prices some people charge are ridiculous!  Anyway, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Added by Alicia on May 31, 2011 at 9:37am — 6 Comments

Missing Chaos and Finding Loki

It was January 2010 and I had to put my rescue boxer/staffy to sleep due to cancer.  I was so sad to have lost my perfect 75lb lapdog, I cried for weeks. I have always had a dog from the time I was 2 years old so there was never a question of if I would be the mommy of another, but…


Added by Loki's Mom =) on May 30, 2011 at 11:07pm — 4 Comments

Dolly and the Girls

Dolly (Larklain Cals Just Elegance) and I have a new litter of red and white Pembrokes. Tootsie looks most like me, a large white collar, white blaze... she's vocal, curious, and not too much of a cuddler. In the picture of just the pups, she's the one in the upper left.…


Added by Mike & Debbie Burk on May 30, 2011 at 10:36pm — 5 Comments

collar and weight question

I would get a small one tailored to small dogs and cats.  Larger ones may be

too heavy for her neck and may not adjust properly.


MyPembroke is 11 weeks old and weighs 7.5pounds.  We got her 3 weeks ago and she weighed 3.4 pounds.  Her mother is 22 lbs and her father is 24 lbs.   She is happy and active.  I have heard that 8 week old corgis should weigh 8 lbs but I have yet to see one that weighs that much at 8 weeks. 

Added by MPK Jur on May 29, 2011 at 10:13pm — 4 Comments

ear cleaning

have a ten week old corgi with ears that are dirty with wax not sure how to clean it out.

Added by shelley crea on May 29, 2011 at 2:55pm — 5 Comments


well today I'm heading out to get a new collasr for my 10 week old permbroke welsh corgi. She is almost out grown her med (walmart) collar. I'm not sure if I should just get a large and make it as small as I can and let her grow into it. She is growming so much not that so little puppy.

Added by shelley crea on May 29, 2011 at 11:13am — 5 Comments


Okay everyone, I am going on vacation at the end of June, we are staying in Kimberling City MO which is about 15 minutes away from Branson.  Of course we are taking the corgis!! I was just wondering if anyone had any dog friendly activities there?  We are staying next to Table Rock Lake, so I need to get a couple of life preservers. 

Any suggestions will be appreciated!!!

Added by Donna and Lilly on May 29, 2011 at 8:48am — 1 Comment

Munckin is 6 months old!!!

My baby girl Munchkin  is 6 mo's old. She is a handful but I just keep remembering the Dog Whisperer "Be Calm and Assertive"...I have to remind myself that I AM the alpha dog in my house!!! Most of my issues are not from Munch but my 2 legged child, who is still not over the new puppy stage. LOL.  Everything is just so cute to her...incl all the bad habits I have to counteract!! I don't know which is worse the sad face I get from Cierra or the "hmph" I get from Munch. … Continue

Added by G, Cierra & Munchkin on May 28, 2011 at 12:53pm — 4 Comments

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to Bootsie.


My little mischevious one turns two today. What would I ever have done without re-homing him. He brings light to my darkness and laughter to my sadness.


I love you my little bht.

Added by Nicola Porter on May 28, 2011 at 11:27am — 2 Comments

Does your dog talk back?

I am wondering if your corgi's are as sassy as Grace? Not really to me but to my hubby, I have done most of the training and rearing if you must. When my husband try to get her to come or even sit it can be a challange for him. She becomes very vocal and starts almost yelling at him.  Do you have any good ideas for us to try to get her to listen to him more and not be so sassy? I know he is a  mushy marshmellow with her does she know he is soft?

Added by Gracesmom on May 28, 2011 at 9:33am — 7 Comments

Sadness: Ani Returns To Evanwhit

I tried writing this last night, had the whole thing written up, and the hotel internet ATE it. Darn that hotel internet. And DARN MY LUNGS.

So as you know, we recently brought home a corgi pup, but not without a LOT of precautions first. I spent time at people's houses, pet stores, and so on, bringing myself into exposure with doggies of all kinds. (Mostly dachshunds, but also Shannon's mini Aussie, the terriers down the hall, and some lab mixes.) My lungs behaved like champions. It… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Mitchell on May 27, 2011 at 9:39pm — 3 Comments

Corgi needs forever home


Scooby, an adorable Corgi, finds himself in need of a new home. His human companion had to come out of retirement and return to work as a long-distance trucker driver. She is now gone most of the time and Scooby has to stay behind. Their neighbors, Carl and Leira, have been dog-sitting with Scooby, but that isn’t really a good fit. Carl and Leira have a Jack Russell terrier who will not allow Scooby indoors, so this once indoor dweller is banished to the…


Added by Sondra on May 27, 2011 at 1:25pm — 7 Comments

The Countdown To Arrival

Well, I just received my first puppy update.  This will, without a doubt, be the longest month I have ever experienced.  I know that I am biased, but my little girl is so cute!  Apparently the breeder felt so, too, because instead of sending just a couple of pictures she sent five!  She said my pup is so photogenic that she couldn't help herself.  I all but squealed in delight when I saw the e-mail waiting for me in my inbox.



Added by Yuki & Ellie on May 27, 2011 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and a reminder on pet safety for picnics.

Just a reminder to keep our furry friends safe:)

Common Picnic Poisons

Lastly, for you picnickers, make sure to keep common household picnic items out of reach when with your pets. Every day the Pet Poison Helpline receives many calls about pets getting into people food, some of which can be remarkably harmful.

  • Xylitol: This natural sugar substitute is low-calorie to you, but is dangerous to dogs, as it causes a severe drop in blood sugar and…

Added by Jane Christensen on May 27, 2011 at 8:28am — 2 Comments

How exactly do you know how much to feed your Corgi?

Hi...I feed Gracie Eukanuba Maintenance.   The package says something like 2 1/2 cups per day for a 30 pound dog which I think would be her ideal weight.  But I feed her only 1/2 cup in the morning and evening.  And some treats during the day, yogurt, chicken/apple treats, bully stick...she weighs 33 pounds!!   I just bought the weight-control Eukanuba and it says 2 cups if your dog is overweight.…


Added by Carolyn and Gracie on May 26, 2011 at 8:45pm — 9 Comments

exercise the girls

Well my two girls Dini, and Mato haven't been getting enough exercise. Dini has bad hip, and we suspect Mato might have bad shoulders, other than walks do you guys have some ideas on how to give them what they need? I might also add that dini hates other dogs, and does not like toys, while mato does like toys, and doesn't mind other dogs. I prefer something I can do in the back yard.

Added by Jay on May 26, 2011 at 3:07pm — 6 Comments

Groom of Doom!

So, it's been a week since the Groom of Doom and I'm finally ready to blog about it...Last Friday 5/20/11, I took Isabella to the groomer.  It was time for a bath and a nail trim and I needed her out of the house while our new plantation shutters were being installed.  She goes nuts over the sound of drills, tape measures, you name it...She would have barked her head off and drove the poor installer crazy!  Anyway, this is the third time I have taken her to this groomer.  The first time she got… Continue

Added by Molly and Isabella on May 26, 2011 at 11:32am — 15 Comments

What's been going on ILLUSTRATED

So things have been a bit...problematic here.  So as my own form of therapy, I essentially wrote it down as a mini storybook style.

So what happened is that my hubby The one pictured on the left, got a job out in Baltimore, Maryland.  So we packed up and…


Added by Angela Kau-Forsberg on May 26, 2011 at 2:07am — 16 Comments

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