Added by Jane Christensen on November 23, 2011 at 8:57am — 4 Comments
2012 Calendar: Use coupon code "RUSH" to get free shipping on your order!
Added by Joelle Soupe on November 22, 2011 at 1:56pm — 14 Comments
Well its official! Max and Zoey's mommy and daddy are getting married! We dont have a date yet but we are excited. Brayden proposed on my birthday last week. Can't wait to make our little family official! While I'm here, we all wanted to say:
ContinueAdded by Kasey, Max, & Zoey on November 22, 2011 at 3:39am — 11 Comments
The talk is up in the air and it scares me..
Buffy is 15 years old.. and her sight is pretty much gone and she is nearly deaf and he back end isnt strong.. she can still walk and such on her own.. and she doesnt have accidents..
she gets excited and bounces around and gets old lady dog hyperness when asked if she wants to go byebye .. but yet.. mom is talking of putting her down.. I think mom is more realistic then me.. since.. well.. Buffy is my sister.. i was a lonely 13 year…
Added by Ace and Jen on November 22, 2011 at 3:36am — 8 Comments
It's been ages since I updated and plenty has gone on in our wacky lives. Many changes, some good, some bad and I am finally ready to sit down and write a long blog post about it (with lots of pictures, be warned.). But let's begin this update with the most recent and happy! Ashton's 3rd Birthday party! Ashton is wondering when he can…
Added by Gail and Ashton on November 21, 2011 at 5:10pm — 10 Comments
Chula h(and a bunch of little ones. The vet said he had never seen so many in such a young dog. She'll be 2 in December. I felt bad for not taking her earlier but the only symptom she had was marking alot. She had even gotten her herding certificate just days before the surgery! I've never had a dog before and was told that if she was marking alot it just meant she was an Alpha dog. I just wish I would have researched it sooner.
Added by Pauline Zamudio on November 21, 2011 at 12:12pm — 1 Comment
Baxter and I went to a United Kennel Club trial this past weekend and we both had a lot of fun. Baxter did such a great job, he did not break stay at the start of any of our trials. He did get a few "off courses" by taking an obstacle out of turn, but thankfully AG-I (novice class) in the UKC is very forgiving about that. I've included links to the professional photographer's pictures, just click the right arrow at the top to see the next picture in the seires.…
ContinueAdded by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on November 21, 2011 at 11:30am — 3 Comments
we are adding a puppy, and our first corgi, to our family soon.i am looking for any advice. what did you do that helped? what do you wish you had done? or done differently? what items (other than the obvious) did you get that made life easier? thank you everyone for your insight!
Added by candice sanchez on November 20, 2011 at 3:56pm — 15 Comments
No joke, it was super exciting going to get the little pup! He was super precious running out to greet us as we walked up. The Breeder picked him up and just went "Here he is." and plopped him in my arms.
We went inside and got his papers, information on the shots he got, which he needs, and some food they'd been feeding him. Joe and I kept switching on who was holding him and petting his fluffy butt.
All was well, we had bought a big crate for him to sleep in at the…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on November 20, 2011 at 2:39pm — 6 Comments
Added by Stephanie on November 20, 2011 at 2:39pm — 4 Comments
Baron's newest obsession is the vacuum cleaner. It just sits in the hallway and he growls and stalks it. See the video.
Took a lovely walk through the woods today. My dogs made friends with a local hunter and his son, out enjoying the last weekend of deer hunting season. Apparently the pickings are pretty slim. (Quickly tied my bright fluorescent poop bags to my dogs collar to keep them from being mistaken for wild game.)
Squirrels, however, were out in force. They seemed to take great pleasure in teasing and taunting. Sitting just out of reach and jeering at the intruders.…
ContinueAdded by Kathy Losacco on November 19, 2011 at 6:10pm — 2 Comments
This is not a corgi story but it has a little bit of corgi part :-)
This morning I took my corgis out. Usually my husband walks the dogs in the morning but today is his birthday so I gave him some more time to sleep. And I met Alice the pug.
I saw her on the way to throw out the poop bag. She sat on the grass near our neighbor’s house. She was off leash and there was no sign of the owner. Jeter and Cappy were curious about her but I wasn’t sure what to do.…
ContinueAdded by Chris and Andrew on November 19, 2011 at 11:41am — 12 Comments
.I just stumbled on this movie - I had heard the story and read about the statue, but wow.
I am not a crier - and I'm still blowing my nose an hour later.
God love the puppies!!
Added by Stephanie on November 18, 2011 at 9:33pm — 6 Comments
So during critiques tonight a jerky janitor called my teacher into the hall and told her that we cant have a dog there
My teacher told him he is a service dog and belonged to me well after class i went to her and apologized if i got her in trouble.. she told me dont worry about it and i can still bring Ace if i want to.. since he IS a service dog in training ^^ <3
Speaking of Critiques I hope you guys dont mind me sharing what ones i shared…
Added by Ace and Jen on November 17, 2011 at 4:15am — 7 Comments
So the past couple days meeko has been sneezing and tonight it has gotten worse to the point where he is so congested that he cannot breathe out of his nose, he goes into this half pant trying to breathe out of his mouth thing. He is alert and his temp it 102.3 his mucus is clear but sticky. His nose is completly dry and sticky from the mucus. He has a indiffrent breathing pattern. And will not play with his toys by his self. He wont even chew on his bully stick which is not like him at all!…
ContinueAdded by Christine and Meeko on November 17, 2011 at 2:40am — 7 Comments
my husband and i are anxiously awaiting our first corgi. but he is upset because "he dosnt look red" and he really wanted a red corgi. well our puppy is only 3 weeks old, and I know that they look more brown than red at that age. but i was wondering if anyone had a photo of their pup at a young age, and one of once their full color came in. he is concerned our boy will be sable instead of red. i personally dont care, but he has had a "dream" of one day owning a corgi and has some very…
ContinueAdded by candice sanchez on November 16, 2011 at 7:02pm — 11 Comments
lol Im excited
I have Critiques tomorrow in my photography class again and i emailed my teacher and asked her if i could bring ace again she told me yes~ so Ace is going to School with me again tomorrow :D
im so happy~ it will make him happy as well :D
He pouted so Hard today when i went to class with out him lol he thinks he needs to go everywhere with me~ lol shhhh i think so too >w<; <3
Having him around is such a wonderful thing~ it destresses…
Added by Ace and Jen on November 16, 2011 at 3:49am — 2 Comments
Added by Karen Dadisman on November 15, 2011 at 9:55pm — 4 Comments
So today I decided it's time for Cleopatra to get caught up with her big brother. Amadeus know how to shake, roll over, high five, sit, stay, come, lay down, get off, and talk. Cleo knows how to sit and stay (kinda) She's much better at leash walking then her big bro but doesn't really care to learn tricks. I have been trying to get her to shake and every time she just nips at me. (little bugger) She has realized that if she doesn't nip she will get a treat so there's a bit of progress…
ContinueAdded by Tara Ludwig on November 14, 2011 at 9:51pm — 1 Comment
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