All Blog Posts Tagged 'corgi' (271)

Corgi Shedding and Oil Spill

My three Corgi-kids are in their shedding season. We all know how Corgis shed - even though they're short, the amount of hair they shed you wonder how a corgi could shed so much.

Was wondering...would the fur be something useful for the oil spill? Has anyone heard what kind of hair is usable? It would be great if it could do some good (the shedded fur).

~Cristina of

Added by CorgiTales on May 12, 2010 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

New Blog

Hey all I started a new blog!

If your into sheep herding or agility Ill be talking about what we are going threw as we train from the beginning!

Check it out!

Added by Nichole and Shelly! on April 29, 2010 at 5:02pm — 2 Comments

Two Missing Corgis in Fountain Inn, SC -- can you help?

MISSING DOGS -- South Carolina…


Added by Geri & Sidney on April 29, 2010 at 11:00am — 8 Comments

Corgi sighting??

So Kirstie Alley has a corgi! On her new show- Kirstie Alley's The Big Life! Hes super cute!

Anyone seen it yet??

Added by Libby and Dyddy!! on April 11, 2010 at 10:36pm — 9 Comments

today, kirby got nutered......

so today was the big day!!!!! kirby was fixed!!! so far he is doing well, i bought him a new toy, some rawhide chews, two bags of green beans and i made him a home made bland diet dinner!!! out of all this i only want one thing: no marking in the house!!!!!! his marks whether we are around or not. and it is getting frustrating.... does anyone know if nutering him will help curb this habit?? btw, he is turning 1 year old on may 4th!!!!

Added by Amber and Kirby on April 9, 2010 at 3:19am — 2 Comments

New Corgi to family of non corgi owners

Today is his 3rd day with us. Little corgi still unnamed. The girls were outside and wrote with chalk "My dog is the most awesome!" on my patio. Later I found a few kids out back jumping and playing. Then they were in the front, corgi and all...he just stood by my youngest, where she went he went! I saw her looking into his dog crate and he was beside her peeping in too. I thought they had a cat in there but it was just Josh, the smallest kid in the neighborhood. Our corgi just… Continue

Added by Cindy Kay on April 4, 2010 at 1:40am — 2 Comments

Today is Our Adoption Anniversary :-)

Happy Jack and I became buddies 6 years ago today and we've been fast friends since.

When I was a little girl we had a Corgi named Sammy (Samantha). My parents owned a Corgi because they were "horse people" when they were younger and fell in love with the breed. I adored the dog but she died of old age while I was still just a young child. In 2004 my mother passed and my dad had been gone since '88. I was an "orphan". I had been wanting a Corgi for a while but I traveled with…


Added by MissB on March 20, 2010 at 3:40pm — 3 Comments

Lola got solicited yesterday...

While walking downtown yesterday, a woman complimented us on how beautiful she was, then asked if she was fixed & if she wasn't, if we'd consider breeding her because she has a male Corgi. We laughed & said sorry, she was fixed. We chatted with her for a little bit about how wonderful Corgi's are & then went on our way. It wasn't until later that afternoon we realized this lady was a Corgi Pimp! haha We thought it was pretty funny that a stranger basically asked us if we'd be ok… Continue

Added by Laura & Lola on March 15, 2010 at 6:14pm — 5 Comments

FOUND-Thiago-LI Lost Red Male Corgi

A Mail Carrier called me and said one of her customers had him. In the same town. They found him walking slowly down a main roadTODAY. He was wearing a Flea collar in addition to his own collar, which we didnt put on him. He has been gone since 1/23/10! It seems he got…

Added by Thiago's Mom on March 12, 2010 at 8:04pm — 49 Comments

Corgi Party/Family Reunion!!!

At the dog park today was the cutest little corgi. After a little discussion with her owner, we realized that Goldy and his dog Ginger were sisters in their litter.

I LOVE the pic of them side by side, it's like their bodies make a heart!!!

I knew Goldy was small for a corgi, but wow, when you see another dog from the same litter, you really realize how small she is!

Enjoy the pics!…


Added by Stephanie on March 8, 2010 at 6:57pm — 2 Comments

CWCC National Show end of April

I am some what new to the whole cardigan show thing. I do not show dogs or do any agility or herding training though I would like to start with basic training with Le-Le. I went to a local dog show recently and heard about the National in Gettysburg which is at the end of April. I put it on my calender and can not wait to go see all the great dogs. On the first weekend there is a herding dog competition in Birdsboro, PA which is so much closer for me than Gettysburg. So I am heading there for… Continue

Added by Anne on February 25, 2010 at 1:32pm — 1 Comment

Some thoughts about my boys.... from the TRUE animal lover

So my boy is losing his baby teeth. This is new to me as I never found any of my first corgi, Pooh's teeth. I have found three. His canine's and another one. The first one I found was on the pillow next to my face when I woke up. lol I told him if he wants the tooth fairy to bring him a cookie, he has to put it under his pillow. lol He's getting bigger day by day and although I loved him when he was little because of the out of control cuteness, I love him more everyday because he is getting… Continue

Added by Ashley and Copper on February 19, 2010 at 4:40pm — 4 Comments

Corgi Boyz enjoying a game of ball on a beautiful Winter's Day. Write up on CorgiTales.

Corgi Boyz enjoying a game of ball on a beautiful Winter's Day.

Write up on CorgiTales.


Added by CorgiTales on February 17, 2010 at 3:00pm — 11 Comments

Fluffy Pem boy, 8 years old, ready for a new home

I have Simon, a beautifully bred 8 year old corgi boy who is ready for his new home. He is the fluffiest of the fluffs and carries a gorgeous coat. He was given up by a familly who had a toddler and Simon growls at him. A really neat boy, very pretty, up to date on everything and neutered. You can see his picture at:

He gets along well…


Added by Millie Williams on February 13, 2010 at 10:54am — 3 Comments

So Proud of my little girl!

Shelly passed her Basic Manners class! I'm so proud I just had to share with everyone! Next class will be working tword our CGC ! Then on to agility!

Added by Nichole and Shelly! on February 9, 2010 at 10:47pm — 3 Comments

Goldy's Teeth

So I came home today to a baby girl with white foam around one side of her mouth. She looked like she had rabies LOL, but I knew she didn't. After settling her down and looking her over, I found a back tooth super loose and the gums really swollen and kind of gross looking. A quick trip to the vet to find out that she's a bit abscessed on both sides of her mouth. Basically her bottom tooth is poking her sore gums on her top.

We got some antibiotics for the infection and we're home.… Continue

Added by Stephanie on January 28, 2010 at 6:18pm — 7 Comments

52 Weeks of Corgis

I stumbled upon a group on Flickr that, as a group, will be photographing their dogs once each week in an effort to:

"create that one photo each week of your chosen dog that either stands out, signifies something special in your dog's week, or is a unique approach from your other photos of your best friend. Push the limits a little, do something different, be creative, challenge yourself. "

I like the concept of the project. Like a lot of folks… Continue

Added by CorgiTales on January 26, 2010 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

Lost Long Island Corgi

My 17 month old male Pembroke Welsh Corgi has gone missing.

Answers to "Thiago" (tee-ahh-go).

Red, with white face, neck and paws. docked tail. Not neutered. Has tags(all shots but his new rabies tag isnt on him) Vet: Hauppauge Animal Hospital


Around 3am this Saturday January 23, 2010.


If anyone in the… Continue

Added by Thiago's Mom on January 23, 2010 at 10:30am — 16 Comments

Month 5 of Corgi goodness!

We got our little Yumi back in August. She was extremely shy and wasn't too sure about us or her new home. Now, 5 months later, you wouldn't know that she was the same dog! Yumi is so bouncy it is unreal, lol. Whether it's time to eat, time to potty, or I just get up to go to the next room she is right there bouncing and spinning and just being a happy pup! She's still a bit shy around people she doesn't know, but a tummy scratch fixes that and she's instantly your best friend. She is a MAJOR… Continue

Added by Kricket on January 23, 2010 at 9:46am — 1 Comment

Corgi Brawls

We were out of town last weekend. Before we left, I could feel some tension in the air between Nikita and Dockers and could not seem to intervene to smooth things over. Usually I can get the two to put aside their differences with our ball playing and evening pack visits in the house. I don't know or understand the exchanges that happen before me between the two. There are just times when Nikita is moody (read more on… Continue

Added by CorgiTales on January 21, 2010 at 10:28am — No Comments

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