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Camber+ Farmer's Market = Disaster

Took Camber to the dog park and a pit bull got a little too friendly and she charged and snapped at him. I was just as surprised as the dog. Camber is a proper girl, and really. Does it take that much sniffing to get to know another dog? Didn't think so. The pitty didn't go near her after that. Despite the pitt's attempt to get Biblical with Camber, she really was a sweet dog.

Camber made quite the splash at the dog park. It was a new group of dog's and everyone was oohing and aahing… Continue

Added by Elys on August 22, 2008 at 11:20pm — 3 Comments

Owen's Yips/Rash/Long days without Mom

Owen's yips have ceased. I'm pretty sure it was due to the fact that we had a heat wave and it was really uncomfortable there for a couple days. I'm guessing that was Owen's way of saying.. GET AC! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! He's a bit of a boss afterall..

I took owen to the vet yesterday too because his rash/scabs increased over his belly. He was a little wiggle worm at the vet and fortunately we have a vet with a great sense of humor. It took the vet, the vet tech and me to get… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on August 22, 2008 at 7:42pm — 3 Comments


Yep, we got through TS Fay but there was water in the house and shop. Bucky did just great - thought the back yard was a big water park! When it was pouring....which was pretty often, he had to be conned out and then would hurry and do his thing. My thoughts are out to people who did not fair as well. We live in the Merritt Island area and there were those alot worse than us.

Added by Suse Scheimreif on August 22, 2008 at 12:53pm — 4 Comments

Reese's First Tropical Storm- Fay

Well, Reese is surviving Tropical Storm Fay. It's been a very wet, gusty, and all around nasty here in Central Florida. It's been pretty much non-stop rain and gusty winds. I was a little worried about Reese with her potty training, but she has been such a little trooper. She has been still going to the door to let us know that she needs to go out and potty. We were a little hesitant on whether she would even do her business with this nasty weather. Surprisingly, she doesn't mind the rain and… Continue

Added by Reese on August 21, 2008 at 7:47pm — 1 Comment

Trying Solid Gold Seameal Nutritional Supplement

Even though Mac is very healthy, I decided to try Solid Gold Seameal, a nutritional supplement that can be added to a dog's meals.

I posted about it on one of the Corgi Health forum here.

Details on why and my thoughts can be found on my other blog:

Also, I took Mac to a different dog park the… Continue

Added by Michael on August 21, 2008 at 6:49pm — 4 Comments

Training classes

I have seen many posts on this list with pups that are challenging. I often recommend dog training classes. They offer so much more than most people know. I think EVERY dog and their owner should attend at the minimum of one basic obedience class. If you purchase a pup I think a puppy kindergarten class and basic obedience class is in order.

ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIALIZATION - Obedience classes give your dog the opportunity to be in a different environment with different smells, noises and… Continue

Added by Sam on August 21, 2008 at 6:31pm — 12 Comments

Hell has frozen over! Or in my case, Dallas has flooded over.

It has been overcast or raining nearly every day since last week. In North Texas, that's unheard of in August! It's been in the 70's and 80's. It is fantastic weather for riding even if it a little wet but awful if your corgis are La Diva and Il Divo! No one will step off of the concrete onto the wet grass! Molly will hold it and hold it until I finally give in and take her for a walk. Going in the back yard- heck no!. Getting soaking wet and walking around the block- absolutely. And then, I… Continue

Added by Katie on August 21, 2008 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Callie's first trip to Petco

Callie is now 3 months old and we had to go to Petco to pick up some doggy litter (Callie is being litter box trained and she is doing awesome with it! She still does go outside if she is already outside) So we decided that she could go to Petco with us. She has been kind of locked up all day because I had surgery on my foot and it's hard for me to keep track of her when I can't walk very well. We get in the car and are on our way and we found out that windshield wipers terrify Callie. (She's… Continue

Added by Lusa on August 21, 2008 at 12:44pm — 4 Comments

Change of plans...

Well, I was supposed to be "visiting" Gibson this Saturday, just to see him and because my breeder will be at a horse exhibition an hour closer to me than she lives..and then actually bringing him home in 3 weeks.. Well, change of plans! Since Gibson is going to be 8 weeks and closer driving distance to us, we've decided to bring him home with us on Saturday!! I'm so excited :) Tonight we need to do some serious puppy shopping and getting our home ready for our little boy. Lack of sleep, here I… Continue

Added by Kelly on August 21, 2008 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

Such a brat!

I think Ein is going through his terrible twos already. He is just under 6 months and he has decided to start chewing on anything. Fingers, shoes, rugs etc. At least he hasn't pretended he doesn't know his commands yet. Our dog trainer suggested we get a cat toy, or just a toy on a string and pull it around so he has to chase it. She said it would both give him a bit of exercise and cause him to not bite us.

Added by Tina on August 20, 2008 at 7:06pm — 7 Comments

Charlie sleeps ALOT!

He is 12 weeks now. It takes him about 10 minutes to wake up when I get home. Sometimes he even don't want to go for a walk! He just does his business and then lies down on his stomach. (not every time, but...) Then he plays about an hour, and goes to sleep. I wonder, is it because he is small, or because he got vaccination shots last Sat.

Currently, he is sleeping again!

Added by Alla on August 19, 2008 at 8:00pm — 9 Comments

Meet Starbuck!

I haven't been on in a while because we've been busy with our new corgi pup, Starbuck! We brought her home two weeks ago and the fun hasn't stopped since. She came a small breeder in Wyoming, a very pleasant and impressive experience. The breeder was blessed with a litter of seven! We met both her parents and most of the pups. Starbuck stood out right away. She's a very pretty light sable with enough black on her face to look like a mask. We brought Banjo to help us decide, it was the most… Continue

Added by Banjo and Starbuck on August 19, 2008 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Florida Corgi needs rescue

Pet for adoption at!

Hi! I thought of you when I saw this pet just waiting to be adopted on!

REMEMBER... Adopting a dog is a lifetime commitment.

Interested in adopting a pet and saving a life, please submit an adoption application @

IMPORTANT: Florida… Continue

Added by Christine Glossman on August 19, 2008 at 2:54pm — No Comments

Fluffy or not?

The puppies are now 6 weeks old, three are normal coated, one fluffy and a couple are growing a little more hair than I expected! I always knew Dora the tri was fluffy, but Scooter and Bill are also looking fluffier than the others. I am posting a few pics of them, and welcome opinions :) It's been a long time since I had fluffy puppies and know some people are "fluff connoisseurs"

Added by Tama on August 19, 2008 at 10:51am — 2 Comments

I am not a happy kitty... -_-

I took Banzai out to go potty, and on our way in I see him pick up a plastic sandwich bag. I take the bag from him and toss it away. But when we got inside I saw that he had something else in his mouth. I asked "what do you have," which is normally our sign to him that he has something he knows he is not supposed to. I reach in to grab it. He turns away quickly and then SNAP. He bites me.

Needless to say I was shocked. Outside of playing around he has never bit any of us. Even when… Continue

Added by FuzzyButt on August 19, 2008 at 2:36am — 8 Comments

Im back finally!

So my poor comp finally kicked it so I broke down and got a new laptop, just in time thankfully LOL! I thought I was going to go crazy not being able to see pics of Zero or come on to this wonderful site!!! But I'm back now YAY! and only 4 extremely long days till my baby boy Zero comes home!

Added by Dannielle on August 18, 2008 at 8:54pm — 2 Comments

Owen's Puppy Shower, Levi, Swimming and Stairs!

It has been a busy weekend for Owen! On Friday night we had friend and family over for a housewarming/puppy shower. Owen was amused by people and children alike. I was so afraid of people feeding him food but we kept a close eye on him between Matt, me and my parents. He got to play with kids and have a great time! He was out for the count by the end of the night and we didn't hear boo from him until 9am the next day. I love it when he sleeps for that long! I also love it when he gets… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on August 18, 2008 at 3:02pm — 1 Comment

LOL Dogs,

Henry is on todays LOL dog page.
It's strange to see your baby on this site...

You can always see it at:

Added by Suzanne on August 18, 2008 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments

My Charlie is at home now.

I brought my puppy home last Friday. He is a very happy little boy. Thanks to the breeder (who started crate-training him some time ago) he slept through the first night (and other nights) without any whining or waking up in the middle of the night.

He is very corgi-smart. He already learned "sit" command. Now he follows me everywhere and sits every minute, looking me in the eye. Of course, he gets no treats for that unsolicited sitting, but still it's very funny.

My cat… Continue

Added by Alla on August 18, 2008 at 1:39pm — 6 Comments

Not much news...just an update

Tigger had to go in for his second heartworm treatment this morning! I was really sad and a little apprehensive about it because he has to stay the night for the 2 rounds of treatment. Tig has been feeling so good for the last week, he looks so fantastic- none of his rib bones are poking out anymore! He was finally back to his happy healthy self- running, barking and jumping. Now, it will be one more month of lockdown. When I dropped him off at our vet, I gave them a big bag of all of his… Continue

Added by Katie on August 18, 2008 at 11:18am — 2 Comments

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