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Merry Corgi Christmas....umm maybe!

So I had a hard time finding a stocking for Solomon because Chloe has a small one and I wanted to get Solomon something totaly different as this is Solomon's first Christmas with us.  I found this incredibly huge stocking on  I put his presents in it while he was outside, like he cares!  See the 2 itty bitty stockings beside his Monster Stocking, those belong to me and my Hubby.  Right before going to bed tonight my Hubby decides to tease him by telling him that he…


Added by Solomon & Naomi's Page on December 13, 2011 at 11:03pm — No Comments


Yesterday it rained alllll day for the first time since I got Poppy (a rarity in Los Angeles!) and it was very hard to walk her. We also had our first eval so I can put her into boarding over the holidays. Most places were already booked when I called over the weekend, but a place near me got decent reviews on Yelp and had availability still, so we went to have her evaluated during lunch. She passed (of course) and the person asked if I wanted to leave her there for the afternoon and I said…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 13, 2011 at 1:21pm — 3 Comments

Clickers, Treats, and Tricks!

I must start by saying sorry for the HUGE post, but I'm very happy about things with Watson today!

I happened to have found the original magazines where I first saw Corgis and fell in love with them 7 years ago. It was "Training for Agility" by Popular Dogs series. It has this picture of a Tri-Coloured Pem leaping through a tire jump. After that I was curious and many hours of…


Added by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on December 13, 2011 at 3:03am — 6 Comments

Small Liver, birth defect

Have any of you ever heard of a corgi having the birth defect of a small liver?

Found out today Carlys is 1/3 the size of a normal corgi. I saw it its tiny..

We were concerned about her vomiting for the last several days so i took her to the vet , thank God no blockage but the x-rays showed us the liver issue!

She is resting now, except for the trembling.. hopfully whatever has her stomach upset, is almost over ..all the blood work was normal..

 She'll be 2yrs in…


Added by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on December 12, 2011 at 7:05pm — 7 Comments

First trick

Lucy and I had a very exciting weekend. She learned her first official trick! We've been going to puppy class and have learned the basic sit, down, leave it, which she has picked up really quick. For the last class this week, the instructor asked us to teach our dogs a special trick to show everyone. Lucy and I chose roll over. It was frustrating at first since I don't think I was doing a very good job of communicating to her what I wanted her to do so she just kept going for the treat in my…


Added by Bonni B on December 12, 2011 at 2:20pm — 3 Comments


We had a very good weekend! I took Poppy out to lunch with me for the first time on Saturday and while she LOVES going for car rides, she freaks out around lots of other people and sounds. Everyone want to pet her because she is so cute, but she always tries to scamper away. Lunch was a bit rough, but she found shelter under the table and calmed down after about 20 minutes. We then went across the street to a high end pet store and she LOVED it there. I had never seen her go up to strangers…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 12, 2011 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Training Successes

Yesterday, Ace and Grâce, his 5 month old Boxer puppy girlfriend, spent close to two hours playing and chasing each other around. They get along splendidly and Ace loves to be chased and rolled around by his long-legged lady. She is an extremely high-drive dog and her intensity is sometimes frustrating for her owner, a friend of ours who works very odd hours. As such, he does not often have time to work with her, and I have seen some of the damage she's done in his flat as a result of her…


Added by Ludi on December 12, 2011 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Merry Christmas from Sidney Claus!

Merry Christmas! Today Sidney got to go see our favorite Santa, at the Pups on Parade event in Carlsbad CA.

Here is our group photo: check out all the corgis on the left side. There was Sadie, Sidney, Cookie, Oreo, Ein, Annie, Twinkie and Luna.…


Added by Geri & Sidney on December 11, 2011 at 8:56pm — 7 Comments

Zeus turns 1 and he got to have a party :)

today Zeus had his b-day party, he got to have a cake which I made and the neighbors dog Reno came over he is a black Lab and Zeus's first and bestest buddy ever, Valentine enjoyed some spoiling too even though it wasn't her b-day :).  I made three little cakes that look like bones. Zeus got a quad bone and a stuffed monkey, all in all I think he had a great day so far :), I hope he knows that their is not enough things I can do for him to make up for all the love and joy he brings into my…


Added by Suzi, Zeus & Valentine on December 11, 2011 at 2:48pm — 11 Comments

Naughtiest dog in America

Fido Friendly Magazine has voted Baron one of the naughtiest dog's in America for 2011.

Added by Teresa on December 10, 2011 at 8:57pm — 6 Comments

This is my first post!! I am looking for help/advice on my situation.

I did some searching on past blogs/forums and I didn,t come up with any help with my dilema. So I am putting it out there for everyone to see.

  So here it is.

 I lost my best buddy Steiner this last June.(thats a pic of him as my profile)He was just 2 weeks short of his 14th b-day. He was a fluffy Cardigan that I got from Millie Williams when he was 8weeks old. I love and miss him dearly and i swore i would never be able to get another dog, because that was absolutley the…


Added by Cindy Feuerstein on December 10, 2011 at 8:40am — 8 Comments


Turns out Remy has been suffering from the eye condition entropion... He goes in for surgery on Monday.  Has anyone ever been through this or knows anything? I am really nervous...

Added by Jeannie on December 9, 2011 at 10:24pm — 9 Comments

Happy Birthday Maddie!

My Madison is 7 years old today!  

This picture sums up Maddie.  Always happy, always smiling.  For Maddie, life is a game and she's ready to play.

She got a new frisbee and it was too dark and muddy and cold to play outside after work, but I locked Jack the Bully in his crate and threw it up and down the hall and she was so proud…


Added by Beth on December 9, 2011 at 8:32pm — 20 Comments

Tick and Flea Repellent

I was wondering if anyone knows of any natural tick and flea repellents? I use to put Frontline Plus on Mac and then switched to Simple Guard and I noticed that he was having bad reactions to the Simple Guard, which now has me on a quest to find natural remedies to use instead of the medicated products.

Added by Alison & Jason Godoy on December 9, 2011 at 5:07pm — 4 Comments

Lowcountry Dog ~ A Corgi Christmas  Direct Link to view "A Corgi Christmas" In Lowcountry Dog magazine!

Added by Joanne Koppenaal on December 9, 2011 at 3:25pm — 1 Comment

Cutest thing in my world

So this is Ace's 2nd Christmas with me~

This coming Wednesday will be the last day he can come to school with me unless next term i get the ok he can come back :)

I took him out for a morning walk and a trip over to where i work to get my first check of the month, freakin adorible man that he is thought the frost on the ground was snow and proceeded to frollic around in it lol

He is my little Shadow and im gonna have a HUUUUUGE issue leaving him at home for a day as we go…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 9, 2011 at 1:14pm — 2 Comments

Good stuff too!!

Since we are such a venting society, I thought I would report on the good stuff too, if only so I can keep track for my own sanity.

This morning when I was getting ready to leave, I put Poppy in her pen with breakfast as always. After she was done, there was only minimal whining and barking. I had forgotten to put her blanket that we snuggle with at night on her bed when I first put her in the pen, so I put it in a little bit later. There was very minimal whining and she quickly went…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 9, 2011 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Vet visit #2

Our Teddy is doing great! His hair is growing back very nicely with no more "hot spots" and the ruff on his neck is filling out beautifully. He now weighs 24 pounds and was treated for a severe ear infection, He now only carries a slight limp on his right hind leg (when we got him his toenails were completely curved into the pads of his little feet and little guy was in pain :( ) He looks forward to his daily walks, his favorite being at sunrise on the beach when I get off work. Best of all…


Added by Creta Ann Seletyn on December 9, 2011 at 11:27am — 3 Comments

Corgi's Rock!

Corgis have a heart of gold! I have never met a Corgi that wasn't smart, good natured, and uncannily aware of their surroundings. They have this magic ability to understand the appropriate behavior for any situation! My dog Cooper went to the airport with me and he was wonderful! He behaved like a little human that had been flying many many times! he wasn't scared, he wasn't excited, he was just perfect. I am yet to meet a Corgi that was a problem dog. I am sure they are out there but I…


Added by Emily & Cooper on December 9, 2011 at 10:43am — 1 Comment

Twinkie's new song.

I looked out into the backyard this morning and way in the back I saw Twinkie just sitting there.  Right in front of her was Logan, laying on his back being very still.  I imagined a scene where Twinkie came in, without Logan, and I asked where he was.  When she broke into song, here is what she would sing... go to kill the puppy

Puppies bark



Added by Cindi & Twinkie on December 9, 2011 at 9:43am — 2 Comments

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