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Lifespan of cardigan corgi's

Hi, My wonderful Tia is eight. As I am a first time dog owner and corgi owner I have heard different things on an average life span for corgi's. Does anyone have any knowledge? I'm going to call the vet regarding when to change food. Any ideas? Thanks!

Added by Liz Hart on July 21, 2010 at 3:48am — 4 Comments

New to Corgis. Love them already.

I just got my first Corgi, Jesse. She is 4 years old. I got her from someone who couldn't keep her anymore. She is very calm and very cuddly, and VERY afraid of my stairs. lol. She also was mainly an outdoor dog, so we need to work on some house training. I know she'll catch on quick, she's a corgi after all. ;) However, first she is taking a trip to the vet tomorrow to be spayed. I have no intent on breeding her and I am very passionate about spaying and neutering. Also, I think she has some… Continue

Added by Rachael on July 20, 2010 at 9:30pm — 16 Comments

Passing obedience class...

Oscar and I have attended puppy class and now we are in his intermediate class. I'm a bit nervous because I cannot seem to teach him the lay down command. He is a pretty smart dog and he knows all his other tricks really well. I know that we will not pass the class until he can do this command without me putting my hand on the floor with a treat. The trainer explained to me that sometimes the short legged dogs have a hard time with this command and he might eventually get it. We practice…


Added by mel g on July 20, 2010 at 6:31pm — 15 Comments


My dog was diagnosed with giardia (a parasite, they can get from contaminated or unclean water)2 1/2 weeks ago. She's 5 months old. She has been on Metronidazole 125 mg twice a day. Her symptoms aren't getting any better: bloody diarrhea. I asked the vet if I should put her on Science Diet ID/WD and we did start with WD and her feces are a little more solid. I have another appointment tomorrow w/another vet for a second opinion. They are going to do another feces sample to check for giardia. I… Continue

Added by Crystal R. on July 19, 2010 at 8:25pm — 7 Comments

corgi product placement?

Hello corgi lovers! I'm not sure but I think I came across a possible corgi sighting today in Hallmark. Check out the front of this silly birthday card and tell me if you agree that these are pictures of corgis! I think they are, but it could just be my eyes seeing what they wanted to see haha.

Added by Staci B & Howie on July 19, 2010 at 8:24pm — 14 Comments

Thanks GoDog!!

I bought Orion and Laika a GoDog baby dragon a couple weeks ago. It has "chew guard" technology that is supposed to hold up against the roughest of dogs. So far there have been absolutely no holes in the outside (the fabric is very tough and seems extremely durable) but the squeaker broke. The little cylinder thing separated from the balloon part. Since Orion and Laika loved it so much and I think it was a manufacturing error from the way it broke I contacted GoDog via their online support form… Continue

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 19, 2010 at 6:36pm — 3 Comments

Chew proof toys?

New record for Baron the destroyer. He destroyed 2 toys in less than 8 hours. A chew proof Kong toss and tug toy was chewed to bits, and all that is left of his Kong ball is bits and pieces of lime green "snow" all over the living room floor. We need Baron proof toys.

Added by Teresa on July 19, 2010 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments

Rhun Loses His Boy Bits.

As I write this my new guy Rhun is getting the big snip and losing his boy bits. Though I think I am more nervous. We took him to a new vet out of town, one that a family member has used in the past as our vet in the city couldn’t get him in for a month and this one was 5 days, not to mention the town (small city) vet charges half the price as our big city vet, I was quite shocked, and…


Added by Kimberlie on July 19, 2010 at 11:12am — 5 Comments

Cleaning Floors?

We put in our carpet 3 yrs ago, and I've never had to clean it. It's held up very well. But I've decided that with 3 cats and now 2 dogs I'm gonna do it before fall gets here. I don't want to use harsh chemicals, I'm sensitive to alot of things, and I'm sure there not good for all of my furbabies. What does everyone recommend as far as carpet cleaning? Commercial, or DIY? If commercial, what companies? If DIY what machines and products?


Added by Kristin & Archie on July 19, 2010 at 10:26am — 1 Comment


My female corgi "Dot" is eating up my carpet in different areas!! I thought it was because of my kids dropping food, but i know that is not it since she tore the carpet up under our bed!! She has made 6 holes down to the concreate floor in just 2 weeks.... can anyone help me please???

Added by Amy & Dot on July 18, 2010 at 3:22pm — 14 Comments

A Bear with less hair.

While in Roswell a couple of weeks ago Tammey and I decided to take some time off to have dinner and visit the UFO museum. Because not all of Roswell is Corgi friendly, we took Bear to the groomers there for a bath and his first ever summer hair cut. This pic is of Bear two weeks "AFTER" the so called trim. See if you can guess which one in this picture is Bear.…


Added by Tammey & Caven on July 18, 2010 at 12:30pm — 7 Comments

Jumped out of Car

Okay, I pulled up to the Agway as we were buying bird seed and a little treat for Tootsie. I put all the windows down and was walking to the passenger side to get Tootsie to put on her lead when she jumped out the window and took off. Well, she came back and all ended well but now I am worried that she have hurt her front legs from the jump out the window. I have a Land Rover and the window is probably 4.5 feet off the ground. She isn't acting like anything hurts but I can't believe that she is… Continue

Added by Patricia A Columbo on July 18, 2010 at 12:22pm — 2 Comments

Cranky Corgi

Our corgi, Abbey, is 5 months old and is definitely a handful as most other puppies are. Our main issue is in the evening. When Abbey gets tired, she refuses to just lay down. If she feels herself getting tired, she will jump up and just run around. She starts to nip more and just becomes cranky in general. Does anyone else seem to have this issue? How can it be resolved? All she wants to do is lay down since she looks exhausted, but won't!

Added by Jennifer Cornacchia on July 17, 2010 at 1:55am — 13 Comments

Calming an excited vocal dog

Chloe turned 2 June 18th. She is a very excited, vocal dog. We have been taking agility lessons for a few months and she is very excited while we are waiting our turn. She whines, barks when it is not her turn. She was this way in obediance too. It is embarrassing. I tell her quiet, say wait your turn, hold her mouth closed, stroke her and she will not shut up.

She obviously loves this event, but dealing with this is frustrating and annoying.

What have other…


Added by Chloe's parent Liz on July 17, 2010 at 12:23am — 5 Comments

Buddy has a crush....

So Buddy has been showing some little boy tendancies during the past few months. Our breeder and vet recommended that we wait until he turned 8 months old to neuter so he would have a little more time to develope. Well we haven't really taken Buddy to the dog park in months and have been avoiding dogs in general because we don't want to have any "mishaps" with another female dog.

Well last night we went for a walk and despite waiting until almost 9pm, it was still 100 degrees…


Added by Kevin and Buddy! on July 16, 2010 at 4:57pm — 2 Comments

Reponse Etiqutte?

Earlier today I responded to a blog post with the best intentions(I feel I made Ms. Porter feel worse) and when I read her reponse...well I felt like doo-doo because that's not what I wanted to do. This really is the only site I come and interact with other's in a forum type situation(my work doesn't reguire any computer use either) and I find at time's that typing can be tricky because seeing what I type later in black and white words seems so different than how I felt when I typed it. I'm…


Added by christy fry on July 16, 2010 at 3:47pm — 10 Comments

Two Texas Corgis on Craigslist!

I am trying to find these two buddies a home!! I found them on the Amarillo Texas craigslist. They are actually in White Deer Texas. I emailed the owner and this is her reply:

These are two great dogs! they are smart, happy, playful and love people! We have had them since they were born. My 16 yr old son has started working and… Continue

Added by Mindy on July 16, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments


Archie has never been on flea control. His breeder said she's never had a flea problem. About a week after I brought him home I found a couple on him, so at his first visit with my vet I got him some. I've always used Advantage with Caleb and had great results. Well the vets office switched from carrying Advantage to this new kind called Vectra. It is very strong smelling, and ever since I put it on him he's been itching (or should I say trying to itch) he can't reach his back very well.…


Added by Kristin & Archie on July 16, 2010 at 8:38am — 3 Comments

Camber stepped in gum


So, I took Cam out for her walk today, and she stepped in gum. I took off a large wad of it on the street, but couldn't get the rest off at home. It's stuck to her paw pad. I tried icing it and the snipping it away with small scissors, but couldn't manage to get the rest off.

I know that gum is toxic to dogs, but can anyone recommend how to get the rest of it off?


Added by Elys on July 15, 2010 at 5:24pm — 7 Comments

Summer heat = loss of appetite ?

Charlie has almost finished changing to his summer clothes, but still the fury guy is feeling hot!!:-). He doesn't eat that much and of cause he can't walk that far. The loss of appetite irritates me a bit though. He gets his food twice a day but lately he only eats his "evening food" around midnight.. hmmm. Hopefully it is just the heat.??

Added by Mette Egelund Rasmussen on July 15, 2010 at 12:29pm — 3 Comments

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