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My mom died this morning--July 4, 2012, at 3 a.m. Her suffering is over. This has been a sad year, so far. We lost Stinky Wink in February, then my dad in May, and now Mom. There is definitely a cycl…

My mom died this morning--July 4, 2012, at 3 a.m. Her suffering is over. This has been a sad year, so far. We lost Stinky Wink in February, then my dad in May, and now Mom. There is definitely a cycle to life, birth to death, and all the things in between that make life what it is. The cycle includes people: parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, spouses and children. It also includes pets that we love, who love us in return, for no other reason than the fact…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on July 4, 2012 at 4:00pm — 7 Comments


So with summer being here the heavy shedding has begun and I for one am not fond of corgi hair as a seasoning on my food or as a fashion accessory lol. I've heard of the furminator so i wanted to here some opinions on whether it works well or not.

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on July 4, 2012 at 3:51pm — 1 Comment

happy 4th of july!

we wish u a happy 4th of July. i would have pics of dollar but she is hiding at the moment due to the fire works but that dosnt stop fearless baden:) hes wearing teddys martingale collar and a festive bandana to go with the holiday! …


Added by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on July 4, 2012 at 1:52pm — 1 Comment

Happy 4th of July..stay as cool as possible!

Added by Bev Levy on July 4, 2012 at 9:09am — 8 Comments

future plans

We are still a long time away from getting our own place but have begun saving for one. We currently live with my mother in law who has two dogs that keep Bailie company so i know ot will be essential to get a buddy for her so she wont be lonely when we move out. I have always planned on getting another corgi to keep Bailie company ( and bc let's face it: corgis are like potato chips, you cant have just one ). However, i know at first that finances will probably ne strained and that getting a… Continue

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on July 2, 2012 at 4:46pm — 4 Comments

Adventures in housetraining

Our new 3 year old corgi, Ein, is actually housebroken. We got her on June 21st. But I'm trying to train her to eliminate in the back yard---without much success. I think I accidentally trained her to think she's only supposed to potty on her walks. The first few days we had her, I took her on lots of walks because it really seemed to ground her and helped with her new-home nervousness. And she always happened to potty on her walks. I didn't think anything of it at first. We're going on 12…


Added by Ingrid & Ein on July 2, 2012 at 3:49pm — 5 Comments

Kadi's First Birthday Party

Well, yesterday my little girl turned one year old. I can't believe how the time has flown! Since we don't know when Brodie's birthday is, we had a shared party for the two of them. I got online and found a good recipe for a doggy cake and baked it up ahead of time. They had that and some very yummy Schwan's vanilla yogurt on the side.…


Added by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on July 2, 2012 at 10:46am — 5 Comments

Finally getting Tilly this weekend!!

So it's been a little while since Ive been online. I've been so busy this week moving all my stuff from Statesboro back up to Atlanta! But recent news on this soon to be Corgi owner is last weekend I got to visit my little Tilly girl and she was as sweet as can be! She had just woken up so she was just kinda lounging in my arms but it was so sweet! She was about 5 1/2 weeks at that time and was so little! It looks like she is going to be a red-headed tri too which is very exciting.

Also,… Continue

Added by Dayna on July 2, 2012 at 2:26am — 4 Comments

Check out this pic:)

It looks just like my corgi Angie,but taller!

Added by Sidney and Angie on July 1, 2012 at 8:59pm — 4 Comments

First Post :-)

G'day everyone. I guess I'd like to take the opportunity to report on how our lil Sheamus is doing. As Sheamus is not yet fully vaccinated (due for his 3rd one in early July) he has been kept indoors which leaves us with the following key areas we have been working on:

  • Potty training
  • Exercise/activity
  • Biting/nipping behaviour
  • Separation anxiety

I'm pleased to report we are seeing some successes in all of the above areas. I have to say, it…


Added by Jean on July 1, 2012 at 5:46am — 3 Comments

Roughing it

Whew! We just got our electricity reconnected. Due to the horrendous weather that moved through Ohio we were without power since 2:00pm yesterday! We now have a happy little Corgi again. Apparently we were not aware of just how much Cosmo did not like roughing it! His a.c and personal fan are back on! We hope by this time tomorrow he will be speaking to us again!

Added by Dennis Bankston on June 30, 2012 at 7:25pm — 1 Comment

Life Is Sometimes Like a Roller-coaster

I have definitely been remiss in writing about the new babies. They are hardly babies any more! It is true that two furbabies are more work, but it's a good kind of work. The past two weeks, however, have been something of a record in my personal roller-coaster rides!

June 18th, my wife left for England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales--leading a group from her church. She took our granddaughter with her. They got back yesterday (June 29th). While they were gone, the roller-coaster made…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on June 30, 2012 at 7:16pm — 6 Comments

finally home!

heres a quick pic of the little fella! 

we just got home, and this adorable little thing fell asleep in his crate with the door open! 

theres alot more pics i took from this afternoon, but we are all so tired and have to prepare for the night to come!

when we first picked up emi from san francisco, she was so calm in the car and slept all the way home (7…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on June 30, 2012 at 3:23am — 4 Comments

Iowa trip

Got back yesterday from an overnight trip to Iowa.  Got to stay in a hotel room and everything!  Everything went pretty smoothly, we ride quietly in the care with a seat belt harness on.  We stayed in a hotel room, and found there was another corgi there!  (In the mirror.)  It was too hot to try to find a restaurant where we could eat outside, so we got to visit with the Chinese food delivery person and be adored by her and one of my daughter's friends.

Baya had her nose to the ground…


Added by Norine Olson on June 29, 2012 at 6:50pm — 2 Comments

things my daughter told me

I was having a conversation with my sixteen year old daughter about friends and relationships.  she is a social butterfly,  flittering around,  always in the thick of the action.  she asked me, "dad, why don't you hang out with your friends?"  my reply,  "that's why i have my corgi."

Added by monte flack on June 29, 2012 at 6:15pm — 4 Comments

Good Morning

Comment by Dennis Bankston 3 minutes agoDelete Comment

Well folks I have learned a new trick! Yep, Cosmo has taught me another one and he is so good I didn't even know I was…


Added by Dennis Bankston on June 29, 2012 at 7:11am — 6 Comments

my fuzzy bug zapper

One of Bailie's favorite things to do is to catching a crawling bug. She plays with it for a minute and then plop down and rolls over the bug quite a few times. Then she gets up and looks at almost like she's saying "ahhh you stopped moving". It always makes me laugh when she does this! Anybody else's corgi Chase bugs?

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on June 28, 2012 at 11:34pm — 15 Comments

New members

Just wanted to take a second in order for Cosmo and I to say hello and thanks for such a wonderful site. We found it by accident but have been smiling and chuckling ever since. As everyone out there knows, no-one can smile like a Corgi!!

Added by Dennis Bankston on June 28, 2012 at 6:39pm — 10 Comments

Corgi Shirts on Sale

Shirts and bandanas are marked down for summer! Order a shirt and get a bandana for free! Just message me the style you want.

Added by Kristin on June 28, 2012 at 5:50pm — No Comments


We take Bailie on 20 minute walks for exercise an normally we walk the hiking trails near our home but with summer starting our weather here is scorching hot (103 degrees right now!), its just too hot to take her on outdoor walks. I rendered seeing videos of dogs using treaadmills and i thought that was the perfect solution. My questions are has anyone here taught their corgi to use the treadmill and if so was it difficult? Any pointers? Thanks so much!

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on June 28, 2012 at 3:32pm — 3 Comments

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