All Blog Posts Tagged 'dog' (130)

Chloe got scared at dog park

I took chloe to the dog park today, it is separated between large and small, so we go to small side. Things were fine until a jack russell mix boy came-he , barred teeth, Chloe ran behind my legs, then sat down to me on the bench, she was very friendly to all the people. I probably did not help but I was nervous since seemed showed her teeth back. I could tell that she would want to play but when this dog came by she changed her mind. The owner's brother in law said that their dog has to run…


Added by Chloe's parent Liz on August 2, 2010 at 2:49am — 4 Comments

Chew proof toys?

New record for Baron the destroyer. He destroyed 2 toys in less than 8 hours. A chew proof Kong toss and tug toy was chewed to bits, and all that is left of his Kong ball is bits and pieces of lime green "snow" all over the living room floor. We need Baron proof toys.

Added by Teresa on July 19, 2010 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments

Calming an excited vocal dog

Chloe turned 2 June 18th. She is a very excited, vocal dog. We have been taking agility lessons for a few months and she is very excited while we are waiting our turn. She whines, barks when it is not her turn. She was this way in obediance too. It is embarrassing. I tell her quiet, say wait your turn, hold her mouth closed, stroke her and she will not shut up.

She obviously loves this event, but dealing with this is frustrating and annoying.

What have other…


Added by Chloe's parent Liz on July 17, 2010 at 12:23am — 5 Comments

It is Chloe's Birthday today!

Today my girl Chloe is 2 today. I cannot express how important she is to me. Since the animal food danger recalls I carefully look at all packages to see where the products were totmade and what they contain.

We are having a great time doing agility-totally out of character for me, but for the love of Chloe I do it.

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on June 18, 2010 at 9:36pm — 3 Comments

First Charlie Bear heart attack.... rant.

If you have a dog.. that may be grouchy towards other dogs.. DO NOT allow your teenager with their five friends take it to the dog park...

I am trying to be a calm mommy... I was a calm mommy at the dog park.. but really.. I wanted to corner those kids and chew them out till they cried..

No nobody didn't really see how it started but Charlie isn't really one to pick a fight.. Plus after the incident their dog started picking fights with other dogs...

Yes you have the… Continue

Added by Avyon on April 2, 2010 at 8:52pm — 5 Comments

FOUND-Thiago-LI Lost Red Male Corgi

A Mail Carrier called me and said one of her customers had him. In the same town. They found him walking slowly down a main roadTODAY. He was wearing a Flea collar in addition to his own collar, which we didnt put on him. He has been gone since 1/23/10! It seems he got…

Added by Thiago's Mom on March 12, 2010 at 8:04pm — 49 Comments

CWCC National Show end of April

I am some what new to the whole cardigan show thing. I do not show dogs or do any agility or herding training though I would like to start with basic training with Le-Le. I went to a local dog show recently and heard about the National in Gettysburg which is at the end of April. I put it on my calender and can not wait to go see all the great dogs. On the first weekend there is a herding dog competition in Birdsboro, PA which is so much closer for me than Gettysburg. So I am heading there for… Continue

Added by Anne on February 25, 2010 at 1:32pm — 1 Comment

Lost Cairn Terrier in Miami - please help

This was posted on my friends facebook** shes lost her Carin Terrier in Miami - any help would be appreciated!!

Passing this on for Heather Graham Pozzessere FOR MIAMI FRIENDS: - "Toto is lost. Please help, he is our truly loved family pet, twelve years old, a cairn terrier, wheaten color and clipped. He disappeared from the area of 28th terrace between 32nd and 37th avenue in miami. If anyone knows anyone there, please ask them to help..."

Here is a link to her…


Added by Libby and Dyddy!! on February 24, 2010 at 6:40pm — 6 Comments

Oh the people at Dog Parks...

Sleepy Sky

I take Sky for a walk everyday at a neighborhood park and then, time permitting, we stop at the dog park for a friendly romp and a play. I guess I just love my dog so much that I cannot comprehend other owners who are not as caring or observant of their dogs--especially at dog parks.

So yesterday, while Sky and I are playing fetch, a Lab and a Beagle (both males) are playing and wrestling right in front of me. I know the beagle from… Continue

Added by Laura on January 23, 2010 at 1:50pm — 4 Comments

Lost Long Island Corgi

My 17 month old male Pembroke Welsh Corgi has gone missing.

Answers to "Thiago" (tee-ahh-go).

Red, with white face, neck and paws. docked tail. Not neutered. Has tags(all shots but his new rabies tag isnt on him) Vet: Hauppauge Animal Hospital


Around 3am this Saturday January 23, 2010.


If anyone in the… Continue

Added by Thiago's Mom on January 23, 2010 at 10:30am — 16 Comments

Goldy attacked by a greyhound...

I've always had great experiences at our local dog park - and always keep an eye out for aggressive dogs and dogs with strong prey drives, especially since Goldy looks like a little bunny, but it never occurred to me to be on the lookout for greyhounds (pitbulls, german shepherds, etc, yes, but greyhounds? I had no idea).

We go to the dog park mostly on days I'm off work from school because I can pretty much guarantee there won't be any other dogs there, and if there are, there's… Continue

Added by Stephanie on December 22, 2009 at 4:20pm — 10 Comments

My Dogs and I Totally "Click"

Bear, Goldy and I have begun clicker training. Today was day 1...and thank goodness for smart Corgis!

The downside of having two dogs by yourself - you're supposed to separate them when you train them. Even though both of my dogs are crate trained and go into their crate happily everyday when I say "crate," when I crate one to work with the other - the barking is INSANE.

SO, we're making it our own and doing it together, and so far so good. When one sits, I click and… Continue

Added by Stephanie on December 8, 2009 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Updates on Vivi!! (It's a long one!)

Hi everyone! We just recently adopted a black-headed tri Pem from a shelter. It's been a week to be exact, and Vivi, as we named him, has made tons of progress since he first set foot in our house. At first, he was very timid and withdrawn, but still followed us to be in the same room. It's understandable since he had just been neutered that day. He was very sore and stiff for a few days, and hardly wanted to move (except on walks, lol), but he… Continue

Added by Abbea and Vivi on November 24, 2009 at 12:30pm — 24 Comments

Tomorrow's the big day!

Well, tomorrow is the day we're going to visit the shelter (4.5 hours away) and meet the Corgi we really hope to take home. And boy, am I excited and nervous, so I hope I can sleep tonight. We bought most of the stuff we will need for the trip home with him (fingers crossed). Here's a list of stuff we're bringing:


Car harness


Stuffed toy

Doggy bags

Doggy wipes

Water with a… Continue

Added by Abbea and Vivi on November 15, 2009 at 11:25pm — 32 Comments

Our Life is About to be Turned Upside-Down (In a good way)!

Well, I have been searching for an adult male corgi for a while now, and last week I found one that sounded perfect. Well, we went to my parent's house for the weekend and we were going to visit the shelter while we were there since it was closer to their house than to ours. Once we got to my parent's house, I was so excited to show my mom the picture on Petfinder, so I opened up the internet, but I was very upset to find that he had just been adopted that day.

I have… Continue

Added by Abbea and Vivi on November 12, 2009 at 1:30pm — 10 Comments

My Corgi is Annoying

Let me start off by saying I love my dog to death and he is the sweetest, most non-aggressive dog I have ever known. On the other hand, he is really annoying at the dog park. I try to take him to one at least once a week because it seems like he was socialized very well with humans, not so much with dogs, before he came to me. He LOVES playing with other dogs and running around, but the second other dogs start playing rough with one another, he starts barking. Not viciously, but more of a "Hey… Continue

Added by Jeny (and Wrigley) on November 7, 2009 at 10:32am — 15 Comments

We wrote a song: The Little Dog Blues.

Little Dog Blues

To the tune of, and plagiarized from, Jimmy Rogers’ “Texas Blues” (which may be from an earlier Blues song?) Helps if you can yodel, or howl and yodel simultaneously, and get your dog to howl on cue. Only the last 2 lines of the chorus are from the "Texas Blues" melody; make up your own. Note the 3 different choruses. That’s too awkward for sing-alongs, in which case the 2nd shown here is best. Doc Watson also recorded this.…


Added by John Wolff on October 7, 2009 at 1:30pm — 11 Comments

HELP-Orange, Inground dog post??

Im looking for an inground dog post so my corgi can chill onthe yard and i wont worry about him leaving the lawn, we have no fence. I saw a product on tv once but i didnt write the name of it down, i assumed i would see the commercial agian! But havent. What I remember about the product. Its BRIGHT ORANGE, screws into the ground. Goes below the grass level so you can trip over it, and you can mow the lawn right over it. It has a retractable leash that comes out that you clip to your dogs… Continue

Added by Thiago's Mom on September 28, 2009 at 10:12pm — 1 Comment


All the listings about "free" dogs reminded me about this post from Best of Craigslist. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Hello: You have reached ___-____, Tender Hearts Rescue. Due to the

high volume of calls we have been receiving, please listen closely to

the following options and choose the one that best describes you or

your situation:


Press 1 if you have a 10-year-old dog and your 15-year-old son has

suddenly become allergic and you need… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on September 24, 2009 at 9:07am — 10 Comments

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