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Florida Corgi Picnic

I want to wish all the attendees a grand time at the picnic in FL this weekend. I will not be able to attend as I will be enjoying Pine Mountain Ga attending the national corgi speciality. There will be several of our wonderful Sunshine Corgi Rescue volunteers in attendance. If you see them take time to give that a pat on the back. Without the help of these wonderful folks we would not have been able to take in over 80 dogs already this year.

Know that I will be with you all in spirit. Hug… Continue

Added by Sam on November 11, 2008 at 10:09pm — 1 Comment

Life with Tod. Day#4. Some Highlights

Tod continues to amaze us. He seems to be a submissive, sensitive, and willing to please boy. We keep him busy walking, training, playing. He still spends some time in the crate during the day for a nap or two. Sleeps all night long in the crate quietly.

During the day I tether him to me most of the time. He's sleeping tethered to me as I type now...and in such a cute position. It would be really easy to spoil this guy, but I have 2 kids and know better:)

As far as… Continue

Added by Worthington Natalia on November 11, 2008 at 5:10pm — No Comments

Life with Gibson: My boy's wicked smart

So, drumroll please............we passed! Woohoo, my little puppy passed basic obedience! And not only that, he got 1st place, the highest scores in the class, which even beat this pitbull that was showing off and doing everything off-leash!

To start from the beginning.. We got to class and were the first ones there. We were wondering where everyone was and then remembered that the trainer said that we'd 'perform' in the order that we showed up to class.. Oh great, so Gibson has to… Continue

Added by Kelly on November 11, 2008 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

Ahh Ed

When we got our first corgi, we were fine that he had trouble jumping up on things. He couldn't jump on our bed and barely was able to jump onto the couch. Now we have Ed, our second corgi, who is an excellent jumper. He is able to jump on the bed, onto the couch, and apparently baby gates. I tried setting up some blocks so he couldn't just jump over the baby gate. However, it didn't work. I got a call on the way to work, Ed had jumped over the baby gate and set off the alarm. How pleasant.

Added by Tina on November 11, 2008 at 9:02am — 5 Comments

kaley corgi the winningest corgi pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!

read it all here!

yes, 8 runs, and Q in 6 --- still frappin and yes, even a NT, aka no time or you might just say, NQ, no qualify.....a standard run where in the end, she fraps back in the ring!.....we are working on it with the command....leash on--- and banking with treats.

kaley is one smart cookie and learns very very quickly providing i know what i am treating… Continue

Added by sandra on November 11, 2008 at 12:00am — 5 Comments

Bindi started agility classes!!!

This past Sunday, Bindi started agility at Dogwood Park in Jacksonville and she loves it! I'm not really sure how long it takes dogs to catch on to everything, but she was a fast learner. At first, she tried to go around the hurdle jumps and tunnel, but after she realized what she was supposed to do she was unstoppable.

So far we have worked on the single jump (I think thats what it is called), the tunnel, and the a-frame. Bindi goes over the a-frame really fast, its almost scary.… Continue

Added by Robyn on November 10, 2008 at 10:41pm — No Comments

Owen + Sick Mom.. hmmm....

Well it has been an interesting few day. Owen has been a bit bummed by my lack of energy as I battle a cold. I'm guessing he doesn't understand why I get to "bark" and he is told to be quiet. At least he isn't barking at me when I cough now. That was not going to work out. I'm a pretty boring person right now.. I'm trying to play fetch but when he stops coming to me I'm not going after the toy. However, he finds ways to entertain himself until Matt gets home - like steal tissue and tear apart… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on November 10, 2008 at 9:35pm — 1 Comment

The Temple of Boom #2 - Handbaggin'

I found Boomer through an ad in the local classifieds. The lady described herself as a breeder located near Sedalia, Missouri (about an hour and a half away). I decided that it was now or never, that if I didn't take this opportunity, I would make up excuses not to do so for the rest of my life. So I called and set-up a time to swing out to see the puppies on their farm (there were 3 male puppies available at the time).

So I and two others who shall remain nameless took the trip out… Continue

Added by Craig H on November 10, 2008 at 7:36pm — 5 Comments

Introducing My New Kitty to Corgis..

We recently added a Bengal kitten into our 'dog pack' of four (two corgis which are inside/outside, a lab--outside--and a German Shepherd--outside.) His name is Mr. Skellington because he is so tiny! We kept the dogs outside in the building for the first day, then brought in our little girl, Chloe, first. There was no growling, hissing or flying furs, but she did try to herd him around and nibble at his food. There was no apparent aggression.

Next, we brought in our boy Corgi, Cara.… Continue

Added by Bryanna ! on November 10, 2008 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

The Name Game......

Here's a list of names that Brian and I have each chosen and are debating over....some have a little meaning behind them..some we just like. I think we are going to wait until the day our little guy comes home, before we officially choose, because we want to see more of his personality first.

GIZMO(cuz he looks like GIZMO!!!)
MADIGAN (means little dog)
KEEGAN (means little fiery one)

Added by Nichole on November 10, 2008 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

Life with Tod. Day#3. First vet visit.

Annual Physical exam

Intestinal Parasite exam-negative

Heartworm test-negative

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that our adopted boy was in good health. Thank God! Neutering surgery is scheduled for next Monday. I didn't expect it to be this high though - $230. But it needs to be done. I am still ecstatic that Tod doesn't have any health problems.

Got a tablet of Sentinel. We'll give it to him after his evening meal. Now off to vacuum the house - in case he… Continue

Added by Worthington Natalia on November 10, 2008 at 11:38am — 6 Comments

Potty training regression! Help!

O.k. My 7 month old, Snickers, has been accident free for almost 2 1/2 months. Well, we brought our little Chloe home about 2 wks ago and he is now pooping all over the house!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do!!! Could this be because he's upset about the new puppy???? Or is it normal to have some regression in potty training around this age???? Any suggestions or help would be GREAT!!!!!

Added by Alicia on November 10, 2008 at 8:18am — 3 Comments

Be a Hero, Support Corgi Rescue Today!

Mocha was feeling a little bump out today, he told me he misses "Albert" - our recent foster corgi. He said he's happy that Albert gets to go to a new loving home, but what about other less fortunate corgis? Mocha is right! Not all corgis are as fortunate as "Albert"... "May be WE CAN do something about it!" Mocha suggested. So went to the photo studio and did a series of shots. Here are the first two from the series, the first one call "Lending a… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on November 9, 2008 at 11:40pm — 30 Comments

Life with Tod. Day#2

We we expecting quite a lot of crying coming from Tod's crate during the night, but he surprised us. After we turned off the lights and went upstairs, he stayed downstairs in his crate. He whimpered for 2 minutes and that was it. In the morning (around 7 am) he was awake and just sat there. I took him outside right away, but he wanted to be petted before he relieved himself. He seems to be a very affectionate guy.

Tod spent 2.5 hours… Continue

Added by Worthington Natalia on November 9, 2008 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment


Hi to all!
I wanted to let you in on one of the best books I've read in a very long time. It's called "The Art Of Racing In the Rain" by Garth Stein. It's a story narrated from the dogs point of view. It's very moving and sweet and you wont ever look at your dogs the same way again. You can check it out at Id love to hear what others think of it.

Added by LaVerne & Shirley on November 9, 2008 at 1:42pm — 3 Comments

The Temple of Boom #1 -

This was a blog I posted elsewhere a few months back over the summer. Thought I'd share these here now.


As we approach my one year anniversary of taking on some honest-to-God responsibility in my life (i.e. keeping a creature that's something other than a plant alive for longer than six months), I thought it would be fun to reflect on some of my experiences with Boomer, my corgi, in the first year of his existence on this planet.

I… Continue

Added by Craig H on November 9, 2008 at 10:17am — 1 Comment

Life with Tod. Day#1. Tod came home today!

We brought our adopted 10 months old corgi boy today. He is just they guy we hoped for. Monday is his vet's appointment to get neutered. Poor Tod. But 'you gotta do what you gotta do'....

He does have a serious flea problem. I think I counted around 20 fleas on him as we rode home! I did give him a Capstar tablet, but he still keeps chewing on himself:(

What was that I hear about DAWN soap? Is that supposed to kill fleas as well?

He tried lifting his leg to mark… Continue

Added by Worthington Natalia on November 8, 2008 at 8:30pm — 10 Comments

Sunny is Sick :(

I am pretty worried right now because Little Sunny is sick, she has this cough and puking thing going on. It went on for about 6 hours on Thursday morning and we took her to pet emergency who then sent us to our own vet. For another two days they couldn't figure it out so we had to do an explorative surgery. I didn’t like that but it found the problem, she had a swollen pancreas possibly caused by a virus. She is healing good so far but her… Continue

Added by Carrie & Chad on November 8, 2008 at 4:00pm — 14 Comments

Superstar's second day with us!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to keep you updated on Superstar's second day. She is very smart! I went to buy training treats for her and people tell me that 8 week old pups wont learn how to sit, or lay down or paw....I did them all with her! she learned quickly, and the housebreaking is going very easy for her and I, I take her to potty about 5-6 times a day. She sleeps all day of course, and when I run around the… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on November 8, 2008 at 1:40pm — 6 Comments

My First Blog-Holiday Party Dilemma!

This is my very first blog but I have enjoyed reading them and wanted to give it a try. Monty, our 11-month old Pem is our furbaby and we do everything with him. We are lucky as he loves to ride in the car, go hiking, working outside and even shopping (we know almost every dog store in the metro DC area!) We are also lucky there are so many opportunities available in our area to keep him entertained and with us. He is also spoiled in that he is rarely left in his crate more than a couple of… Continue

Added by Monty'sMom on November 8, 2008 at 11:40am — 5 Comments

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