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Penny (aka Princess PP)

Just so you know, Princess PP stands for Princess Psycho Penny :) I told someone at work that we've been calling her that and they assumed it was because she's peeing all over the place. She actually has been doing really well with not peeing in the house, but I was on vacation & home with her all last week, so I was able to take her out frequently. The real test will be today, now that I am back at work. I anticipate a big mess in the laundryroom when my daughter comes home this… Continue

Added by Caitlin on May 27, 2008 at 11:56am — 13 Comments


Do any of you have a microchip in your dog?

If you do, at what age did you have it implanted?

I am seriously considering implanting Blaze with one, just for the peace of mind of knowing if he ever gets lost, the chances are good for him to come back to us.

I found this website:

and there's a vet close to me that does the implantation for $40.

What do you think? Good or bad idea?? It doesn't seem to hurt the dog,… Continue

Added by Kimberly on May 27, 2008 at 11:45am — 8 Comments

Almost Time, Getting Impatient

Thor comes home on Friday afternoon, and we will be all moved into the new apartment. I can't wait. I've been waiting for a long time, we contacted the breeder and met with her and her adult dogs back in January, so I'm getting anxious to have the little guy. Tuesday he goes in for his shots, I hope it all goes well, I don't want him to be scared at the next visit.

Added by Jason on May 26, 2008 at 4:34pm — 4 Comments

He has arrived

Well the day has finally come. After what seemed to be an eternity we picked up Griffey from the breeder today.

When we arrived the breeder let Griffey out from behind the gate and he ran over to me and gave me a big wet kiss on the face. Talk about good omens. About an hour later, after all the paper work and minor details were worked out, we headed home. The breeder had tears in her eyes as she hated to see Griffey leave her.

The ride home was only about 30 minutes and… Continue

Added by Junior and Griffey on May 26, 2008 at 2:48pm — 11 Comments

Hiding Treats....

How interesting.

I've never actually had a dog that hid treats.. usually they snarfed them down as fast as I handed it to them...

Imagine my surprise when I went to Blaze's crate for the purpose of getting his mat for washing.. and found a puppy bone underneath, dead center....

How cute!! Seriously, folks-- he was saving it for a rainy day.

Do your dogs do this?? I think it's ADORABLE! I wonder where else he's hiding his treats...

Added by Kimberly on May 26, 2008 at 10:49am — 8 Comments

Hot new dog trend?

Oh retractable lead, you were supposed to be so amazing. I had dreams of regulating dog-to-master distance ratios on the fly in real time. You were supposed to be multi-purpose, allowing my pup the freedom of movement and the restriction of a short-lead in one sleek glossy package. You cost upwards of 50 dollars, but I thought you were worth it. I was never told that your cord is extremely tactile/textured, and that it sticks to the things your dog encircles. Your fanciful package never listed… Continue

Added by James on May 26, 2008 at 4:25am — 7 Comments

Settling in

Lucy is doing great! She's adjusting well to her new life with an active "on the go" family. She plays well with our two sons, but tends to get too excited and forgets she isn't supposed to nibble on younger son's ears. That is getting better. We are learning how to read her too and that when she's getting tired, it is easy to overexcite her. She likes clicker training and we use her breakfast for rewards. She has sit, down, touch, and horsey (a rearing up pose we caught by happy accident… Continue

Added by Bridget on May 25, 2008 at 10:57am — 1 Comment

He's here! And I don't have a name.

After 12 years of waiting and 6 months of preparations, my first corgi ever is here. We brought him home at noon, played a little, no whining, lots of fun. Right now he's sleeping under the table in our garden, even our neighbours mowing the grass don't disturb him. So everything's going fine, we are really happy to have our boy finally home. The only problem is his name. The breeder named him Fergi, but I had something else in my mind. Now, looking at him, I'm not sure if the name I came with… Continue

Added by wendulik on May 24, 2008 at 9:41am — 11 Comments

Training puppy!

Kara is working hard on her training. She is great at sit.In fact today my kids came home from school. I said to my son "Hey Caleb, do u want Kara to sit with you?" All of a sudden she sat at my feet and looked at me licking her lips! LOL What a good girl, even just hearing the word in conversation triggered her to do it. Kara and I were just searching for some cool tricks and we found a very talented doggie video that you all might enjoy. Link is below. What are some cool tricks your puppy… Continue

Added by Danielle_RN on May 22, 2008 at 8:49pm — 2 Comments


10:00 am i woke up this morning with my dad informing me "you need to take kaijuu to the vet" and believe me, this must be really serious in order for my dad say that, usually its "oh he will alright ... just pediatric dose him with something"

turns out kaijuu diarrhea blood all over the kitchen and vomited. (his pee pads are here, and he's use to doing this business here) .. =(

i called the vet clinic (never been here first time, but heard great things about the vet… Continue

Added by Linda and Kaijuu Le on May 22, 2008 at 2:00pm — 9 Comments

New Foster

On Saturday, May 24, 2008, I will be picking up my new foster-furrball. Pictures will be up by Monday.

CJ is a 13 month old female r/w pembroke current on all shots and has been spayed. She will have an Avid microchip implanted while in foster care.

There are no behavioral issues reported with CJ. The owners have purchased a condo which has no back yard and feel it is unfair to her to keep her in the house while they are at work. She is reported as being housetrained,… Continue

Added by Patric Westmarc on May 22, 2008 at 1:39pm — 2 Comments

Good Grief

We have given Blaze the wrong name. We should have either called him Twiggy or Hoover.

1) Twiggy because the boy loves, loves, loves, loves twigs or other pieces of wood.

2) Hoover because he is a true vacuum-- he picks up EVERYTHING indoors or outdoors.

It is DRIVING ME BANANAS. I have learned to speed up when I take him for a walk and keep him close to my side becuase if I don't, he picks up EVERYTHING from twigs (big or small), cigarette butts, flowers, ROCKS (omg… Continue

Added by Kimberly on May 22, 2008 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

Cheez-it and the case of the mysterious random objects

I was minding my own this evening, watching the rest of the "Planet Earth" series on Discovery (It is an awesome documentary, watch it asap), when I hear this noise that sounds vaguely like insects swarming. Only inside the house! So I jump up and pan the room for Cheez-it's happenings and he isnt around. I glance down and there he is at my feet in a play-induced coma. I followed the sound to the kitchen, there is a giant beetle making sweet love to the lightbulb. Sort of odd, it's the sort of… Continue

Added by James on May 22, 2008 at 3:30am — 7 Comments

Cody's Getting Happy!

Hi gang.... I have to tell you the latest with little Cody! As you know, he's been with us only a couple of weeks now. The other night when Patti fed him is evening ration, he started dancing for his food. OMG, you could have knocked me over. I was so excited to see this little guy acting so happy. He's just flourishing with the other corgis. They have their little pack and all run together (to torture the catahoulas and the cats). He's just adorable bounding behind them all. He jumps instead… Continue

Added by Cindi on May 22, 2008 at 1:00am — 9 Comments

Dally's new agility title!!

Hi everyone!! It's been forever since I've been on here and posted, things have been pretty hectic for me. Two weeks ago, Dally competed in only her second AKC agility trial to finish her Novice Standard title and to attempt a 3-for-3 sweep.

We started out strong, with three jumps to the A-frame. Once I sent her up the A-frame, I went to the other side to meet her, when I heard the entire crowd gasp. I then heard Dally scratching her way up, looked up and saw a pair of ears appear at… Continue

Added by Megan on May 21, 2008 at 9:11pm — 1 Comment

Baby pictures

Oh-my mommy made me so happy today! She saw all the cute baby pictures on, so she took out my baby pictures and was gushing on about how cute I was! I felt so special. Of course, I'm a handsome big boy now, but I was an awfully cute baby :) She even scanned some and put them on our page here. When she got me my ears were still floppy-ha ha!

Added by Wynne Phillips on May 21, 2008 at 8:16pm — No Comments

Hello Kitty Birthday Party

WEll, we had a fine day,yesterday!I popped Kitty into the car and away we went to Eugene to Petco for pictures.I didnt know I would be in a couple with her.So that was cool and she had lots of fun with the whole venture.Then off to some parks to cruise around and head home for a party with family,later. I had made her a dog cake and frosted it with yogurt,that was to be shared with Chance(our lab)but, she wanted to woof Chances cake ,too.My 5yr.old granddaughter loved the whole… Continue

Added by Kitty's Corner on May 21, 2008 at 2:29pm — 1 Comment

Is there such a thing as too much cuddling?

Kara is such a lover. She really isn't overly fond of her toys, and she has quite the variety. I am wondering if this will change as she gets older or if some dogs are just not interested in toys much. I really want to teach her to play fetch, it's something my kids would play with her quite often. My original breeders dogs would play fetch with the kiddos all day if they could and they all had so much fun. It tired out both the dogs and the kids! LOL. I wish there was something I could do to… Continue

Added by Danielle_RN on May 21, 2008 at 12:40pm — 7 Comments

Getting into a Groove

Penelope has been with us for 4 days now. She is getting used to our house and yard, and I think she is used to us already. She seemed comfortable with us from the moment we met her and doted on her. I was completely exasperated the past couple of days with the chewing. I constantly tried to divert her and she would almost immediately go right back to ripping up the rug or using the couch as her favorite chew toy. I don't care about the rug and the furniture. We purposely are holding off on… Continue

Added by Megan and Penelope on May 21, 2008 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

Just a quick update....

Haven't been on in awhile, and just wanted to take a minute to say hi to everyone. Luna's doing great, she just finished her second round of shots with no major complications. I think it helped that shes now over 10 lbs. She's growing so fast, its hard to believe. She's still as fiesty as ever. I also finally got around to make her a slanted doggy dish tray (helps her eat and not choke). Right now its probably a bit to tall, but I doubt that will be a concern for much longer. She has also… Continue

Added by Chad Rummel on May 20, 2008 at 10:20pm — No Comments

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