All Blog Posts Tagged 'corgi' (271)

NYC's Laws Against Large Dog Breeds

I was stunned this morning when I read this news on the New York Times website: Large Dogs in Public Housing Are Now Endangered Species. The law restricts the breeds in which a resident of public housing may keep and forces residents to forfeit their dogs or be evicted. Some breeds affected are pure-bred or mixed bred pit bulls, Rottweilers and Doberman pinschers and any dog with an expected adult… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 24, 2009 at 2:34pm — 7 Comments

Bad day at work helped by corgi love

I just started a new job and I feel so over my head. I came home in tears and when I opened the door there were my two sweet smiling corgi babies. Loving those two is the best medicine in the world. I still think I got into a job that I am not smart enough to handle, but corgis make me think everything will work out somehow.

Added by Laurie on September 10, 2009 at 7:43pm — 8 Comments

Dooley -- Two Week Update

Well, two weeks ago last night I brought Dooley to my home for fostering until placement in an adoption rescue. I can't believe I actually had to look at the calendar to see how long ago it was -- it feels as if he's been a part of my family all his life!

Of course there are little spats with the others, but they don't last long. Dooley rarely instigates or joins in when one of my others is in a bad mood. He'd rather walk away a few feet, turn around and smile! Poof! Situation… Continue

Added by Deanna on September 1, 2009 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments


"There is a character named Dooley in the Mitford Series by Jan Karon. He is a young boy that is given up by his mother, comes to live with a pastor, grows up to be a fine person. This elderly woman, Miss Sadie sees the potential in Dooley and sets up a million dollar trust fund for him when he reaches 21. You ask where is this story going??? You saw the potential in this dog and gave him a new lease on life, which is priceless."

The above was sent to me in an email from an… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 22, 2009 at 8:00am — 4 Comments


I've got Duncan!!!!!!!!! The Ford County Humane Society named him, I didn't. I'm thinking about calling him "Dooley," as he's got Pembroke face, head, and skeletal structure, but he also has Cardi "turkey toes" and body size -- a bit

large-boned, but light weight. He's adorable, sweet, loveable, friendly, inquisitive, playful, and everything anyone would want!

He slept all the way in the 2-hour car ride last night -- even snored! When I introduced him to my other Corgis, it… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 18, 2009 at 8:30am — 17 Comments

Rescuing a Tri-Colored Fluffy in Kill Shelter

Well, by now, many of you have seen the urgent post of a couple of days ago regarding a Tri-Colored Fluffy in a kill shelter in Kansas. So that some of you may understand better what I went through to save this little boy, I will explain in greater detail.

First, I am a volunteer rescue transport in Oklahoma and have transported many dogs of all breeds in the past several years, as I live in a town that also has a kill shelter.

Second, I was advised that there was a… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 16, 2009 at 1:30am — 15 Comments

Cutest Dog Entry

I just entered Sammy in the photo contest for cutest dog. Please cast your vote. She really is cute ;)

Added by Joey and Karlyn on August 14, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Hachi got spayed / desexed / fixed /... had a HYSTERECTAMY (...can't spell i know!)

I finally got hachi desexed and microchipped last thursday! she's about 9 months old.. (a bit late i know)

she already had 1 period when she was around 6-7 months old, and lately it lookde like she was about to

go into heat again! so quickly went to the vet and got it done. =) everything was fine .. she was soooo

sleepy and couldnt walk straight when she got home but the next day she was as good as new =) she's a

tough cookie that one. She also has a wicked tatoo in her… Continue

Added by chocky on August 12, 2009 at 1:54pm — No Comments

OMD; we're writing *another* song, and we need help! Please contribute!

You ain't nuthin' but a farm dog, frappin' all the time.

You ain't nuthin' but a farm dog, eatin' and a-frappin' all the time.

You ain't never caught a rabbit. You're a mighty good friend o' mine.

You said you were high-class; that ain't nuthin' but a line.

You said you were high-class; that ain't nuthin' but a line.

You ain't never caught a rabbit, and you never caught a porcupine.

You ain't nuthin' but a farm dog, frappin' all the time.

You ain't… Continue

Added by John Wolff on August 1, 2009 at 10:30pm — 8 Comments

Cute Custom Corgi Key Chain...

So I think I might start making these for people on here. I've gotten a lot of good input on my corgi key chain that I made. I made a Corgi key chain for myself, & I think it turned out VERY cute. They are made out of chip proof clay. Painted with acrylic paint & covered with a air drying glaze. they are all hand made by me & painted by me. the paint/glaze MAY chip over time OR ruff ware & tare. But the clay will not chip. I can add anything to the corgi key chain if asked (… Continue

Added by Melanie Fischer on July 29, 2009 at 7:39pm — 13 Comments

Starbuck's first day as a babysitter!

This story begins with the fact that I am a recent college grad with the same job I had as a student-- babysitter. I've worked for one family for a year and a half and love them to pieces. There are two little girls and I alternate with both. Starbuck's daddy and I have been able to make it so someone is home every 4 hours to let her potty and play with her... until this week. He's out of town for a week and a half. What's a mommy of a puppy to do? Take her puppy to work! (this is where… Continue

Added by Stephanie, Greg, Starbuck on July 28, 2009 at 10:05pm — 3 Comments


Yesterday was Faye's first thunderstorm and she was so brave! I was at work for the beginning of it but my boyfriend said she jumped at the first one, then just went right along playing like nothing was wrong. When I got home I brought her down for a walk and she was so distracted, but eventually did her business. There was one loud clap of thunder that made her run around us in circles. Then she looked up at me with eyes that said "how am I supposed to feel?" When she saw how brave we were… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on July 27, 2009 at 10:18am — 1 Comment

I'm now a half year old!!

Well sorry that I didn't post in like ages, but whatever.

Jeep is now a real teenager (only listens when he wants to). He has learned quite a few tricks and is learning new ones.

His repetoir exists of:

Sit - the sit on the butt :D

Down - laying down

Lay - lay on his side

Roll over - don't need to explain this one

Wait - wait until he can tak his cookie from the floor

Fetch - fetch things

Put 'em up - Just like when criminals are arrested… Continue

Added by Jaqueline on July 26, 2009 at 11:21am — No Comments

Beating the City Heat

I think Faye is settling in just fine. She's picking up on potty training and she is so well behaved with strangers. She has a tenancy to bark when excited or to squeal like a raptor when she is less than happy but hopefully it's just puppy behavior that she will grow out of. We ignore her when shes being too vocal and she calms down pretty quickly.

The only thing is that I think she is hot and it's just going to get hotter going into August. She sleeps belly-up in front of a fan… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on July 24, 2009 at 1:22pm — 4 Comments

Hi all corgi loverssss

I m sooo very surprise to have received all the friendly welcoming messages. its really a great

pleasure to meet other corgi owners from all over the country ~

my first dog - dau dau

He was a shih tzu his name was Dau Dau( a very common name for asian dog

owner) he past away 2 years ago at the age of 14 it was a heart breakin memories for me

I had him since I was 10 years old he was like a brother to me and I was regret cus I didn't take

really good… Continue

Added by Ronald on July 21, 2009 at 5:29pm — 3 Comments

She's Home

Hey everyone! I brought Faye home yesterday and she is awesome. We love her so much. She was so good last night, after putting her to bed I brought her outside once at about 4am and she peed right away. What a smart little girl! Here's a clip from the loooong ride home. She got so sick and was really not doing well at first but then she relaxed and wound up sleeping most of the rest of the ride. The clip is from right before she cuddled up in my lap and passed out… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on July 18, 2009 at 8:51am — 6 Comments

Ein's a worker

It's been too long without batteries lol chicks are half grown, we have about 12 that like to come out of the pen to hunt the bugs, and Ein loves to walk along and surprise a unwary chicken butt'sniffffSQUAWK!!' i laugh and laugh ...well...we have chicks in the house, and Ein refused to look at them for a day...or walk past the tub they are in... heheh today, two days later, he has decided to sniff them and walk past them without the 'what did i do?'… Continue

Added by Carol & Ein & Widget on June 24, 2009 at 10:44am — 7 Comments

A lot has happened

I've been lax in being active here, unfortunately.

In the time since I've last logged in, a bit has happened with Spider. He spent a while in a boarding kennel in the summer of 2007 while Nate and I took a trip down to Memphis, TN to visit family aboard Amtrak.

And most recently (and severely), he had a health scare. We had left the house to run some errands and when we came home, a heavy scent of bleach fumes greeted us. Apparently someone had been using it to clean near… Continue

Added by Asia on June 19, 2009 at 5:52pm — 3 Comments

A soon to be new member of the family - Thanks to YOU!

Well the time is nearly here! In a month, we've decided to get a corgi pup at around 4 months old, the breeder is a wonderful lady with 6 beautiful corgis and even 3 Afghan hounds! All the family members are ready, the decision has gone from a pug to a dachshund and finally, landing on the big furry Corgi! But I would really like to thank all of you for simply creating such a great community for Corgi owners and Corgi owners to be's! Without seeing all the discussions and blogs about so many… Continue

Added by Ray on June 15, 2009 at 10:23am — 3 Comments

I survived my first camping trip!

Thursday morning mom started packing some of my stuff. I started getting worried that we were moving again since we've done it a few times already in the last year so I huddled against her and pouted till she petted me and reassured me. I knew something was really up when Auntie Sarah came and we loaded up in the car.

It was a nice hour and a half of wagging my tongue at the world out the window.

When we arrived at this place it was full of round little houses and all my… Continue

Added by Avyon on June 11, 2009 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

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