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Happy Father's Day

Wynn with his big (and dirty) little girl, Sage:)

Added by Jane Christensen on June 19, 2011 at 10:42am — 6 Comments

Thought I would share our story...

My fiance and I looked all over for a Corgi. We called a few breeders but by the time we heard back all the pups were adopted, if we were called back at all. One night on our way to the store we stopped randomly at a pet store by us just to look at other breeds and in the very first pen were two Corgi puppies. We took home our baby that night. I would have like to find a breeder but it didn't matter after seeing her. The next morning we noticed she wasn't very active. At one point she wouldn't… Continue

Added by Stefanie & Ein on June 19, 2011 at 9:30am — 8 Comments

New to the site and lookin to get my paws wet~!



New to the site. Thought I might sign up so that my chances of finding that corgi-just-for-me would improve. I have to say trying to find a corgi is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, though it probably doesn't help that I'm short either. I've been on a corgi hunt for what seems forever now. I started looking way back in fall, getting into all sorts of information and location breeders and such.


I really would rather adopt a corgi or corgi mix…


Added by Gabrielle W. on June 19, 2011 at 1:33am — 4 Comments

Couple Questions???

Ok. So I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is 12 weeks old. And we have been giving him 1/4 cup of food 3 times a day. He seems to still be hungry when he finishes his food. Should we give him more food or maybe the same amount but 4 or 5 times a day? Also, his ears are beginning to stand up. I have noticed that it is time to clean his ears. What is the best way to this without hurting him? Thank you for your help!!!


Matt, Ariana, and Caspien

Added by Matthew Donaldson on June 17, 2011 at 11:05pm — 8 Comments

Corgi Pet Insurance Recommendations?



I have a corgi puppy that is about to turn a year old and he is also my first dog.

I'm thinking about getting pet health insurance for him but am not sure how to start or which one to take. Since when I googled it there were so many options I got a little overwhelmed.

Plus, I have been told my some that it is not necessary for pet insurance until they are much older, but am not really sure what to do here.


Anyone have advice for me please?

Added by Michelle Lo on June 17, 2011 at 3:48pm — 8 Comments

Wine Dogs!!

On our local CBS tv station tonight, there was a segment about Australian photographers being in the Traverse City, MI area taking photos of dogs at the vineyards.  There were two Corgis in the video, but weren't mentioned altho one barked!  Good Boy or Girl!!  The Corgis were on top of a wine barrel for the picture.  These people put out a calendar and also books.  Some of the dogs have a wine with their picture on the label:)


I'd love to share it with everyone, but I can't…


Added by Amy Freed on June 16, 2011 at 9:48pm — 7 Comments

Weird dogs

I've fostered several dogs now, and 2 of which have been corgis (Winston, and Gunner).

On a normal day I would say that my own 2 rescue corgis are , well, normal. That is until I foster a corgi...

With Winston:

I just thought "Ok, so I…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on June 16, 2011 at 4:32pm — 9 Comments

She can swim!

Will someone please tell me why I thought Isabella would sink like a hot rock?  Ha Ha.


We recently moved to a new house with a pool and I've been so nervous about her falling in.  I never leave her unattended in the yard.  Her butt has slipped in once, but I fished her out in a split second.  I even considered a doggie life vest, just in case...


Now that the weather is warming up, the kids have been in the pool several times.  Isabella goes NUTS and runs…


Added by Molly and Isabella on June 16, 2011 at 4:07pm — 4 Comments

Visiting Marcus Sunday!

So I found out a little over a week ago that the breeder that I was hoping to get a puppy from had a 12 month old show prospect that had grown beyond breed standards. I spoke to her about him on the phone, and we've been emailing back and forth, and we are going to meet him this Sunday.

He sounds like an awesome dog, and judging from the picture, he has potentially the sweetest, most adorable little… Continue

Added by Erin S on June 16, 2011 at 2:15pm — 9 Comments

Public Enemy No. 1




Weekly, Waffle heads to the beach to hunt these dangerous creatures.  They don't come out until the moon does, making it ever more dangerous and difficult to capture…


Added by Rachael & Waffle on June 15, 2011 at 11:00pm — 18 Comments

The Countdown To Arrival - Part 2

My little girl is working her magic already, and she's not even here with us yet.  I was having a rather "blah" day until I noticed an e-mail from my puppy's breeder sitting in my inbox.  I opened it up and, sure enough, I saw puppies!  Well, just one puppy, but there were four new pictures!


Here she is chasing after her Momma.  Whee!



Added by Yuki & Ellie on June 15, 2011 at 6:29pm — 7 Comments

Home Alone

Bugsy is a year & a third now. He's been home during the week for almost a month with no incident. Except...

Yesterday there was a piece of cardboard within reach (what is it with cardboard?)

Last week he had an "accident" & felt ashamed, but I told him he was a good boy because for some reason he thought maybe he should go in the bathtub. (talk about easy clean-up!)

I just keep the bedroom door closed or else he'll lay in my bed all day.

We have a really…


Added by Peggy Woods on June 15, 2011 at 3:02pm — 2 Comments


So our little Ein came back from his first vet visit with a lovely case of giardia and whipworm.... *shudder*... 


Luckily he hasn't shown any symptoms yet. He has been a little lethargic since we adopted him last week, but we feel most of that can be attributed to being in a new environment. Now, on top of settling in to a new home, our little boy gets to look forward to 5 days of deworming meds followed by a trip to the tub for a thorough cleaning. 


I, on the…


Added by Stacy & Einstein on June 14, 2011 at 6:46pm — 4 Comments

Oops, nearly killed my dog.

I forgot to report about how I nearly killed poor Reagan. So I will now.


We had the sprinkler on because here in Houston it's been approximately a thousand degrees for the past few weeks and we've had approximately negative 10 inches rain. We usually let the dogs play in it while water. Reagan and Didi like to dance in the water and bite at the nozzles.


So we sat outside for about 30 minutes and then it was dinner time. We decided to leave the dogs outside to…


Added by Sarah C. on June 14, 2011 at 5:30pm — 16 Comments

Can this happen.

LO doesn't seem to have any undercoat, only thing that comes out is long top coat (white or red). Usually when petting him so I know that it is his topcoat. Bootsie just got about a ton of undercoat out last night, that is the more shorter hairs right?

Added by Nicola Porter on June 14, 2011 at 6:46am — 9 Comments

Our first vet visit

Took Cocosette to the vet for a puppy check-in.  She was mostly calm about the entire affair-- the weighing, nail clipping, temp taking (Ay!) and the doc's exam.  Her only objections were to the shot and, oddly enough, the dose of de-wormer.  I've only had her for a week, but she's already growing like a weed; added another pound since her last weigh-in.  The vet had lovely, soft hands manipulating Cocosette and gave me some…


Added by Durri Bakht on June 13, 2011 at 9:51pm — 7 Comments


Celebrex commercial has a red/white corgi in it.

Added by Nicola Porter on June 13, 2011 at 4:47pm — 4 Comments

Waiting for Bento

It's amazing how long 8 weeks are!  My husband and I can't wait for our new addition.  Every time I walk by a pet store, I have to go in and look.  So many choices when it comes to what to buy for Bento.  I'll be compiling a list of things for a new puppy and how much we spent.  Data collecting is good.

Added by Kim Ales-Yan on June 13, 2011 at 2:48pm — 3 Comments

Crazy life!

I have been so neglectful of my friends!

Life, friend and family weddings, job changes, and house hunting really get in the way of my social/internet time. :P


So as some of you know Nate, Roslyn, and I adopted an 8week old corgi/cattle dog mix back in Jan. I can't believe how much Oona has grown!

I couldn't have asked for a better…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on June 13, 2011 at 10:57am — 6 Comments

...and then there were two.


I know she obviously isn't a full bred corgi, but we've adopted a Mini Australian Shepard/Corgi mix named Jane. She is an 8 year old meat loaf on legs and has a few special needs.…


Added by Amanda Wasson on June 13, 2011 at 4:39am — 6 Comments

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