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Pudge, pudge go away....

Hey, I don't do too many entries, but this one deserved one on its own, since I know a lot of you have similar weight issues with your Corgis.

Riley at his high point was 42.2 lbs, ugh. I felt bad, because it was honestly not his fault (well, or really mine either.)

My vet and I were baffled for years, to the point where we were going to put him on drugs for the issue, as a last resort. We had to get the weight off this dog. We drew blood, expected there to be a thyroid… Continue

Added by Shepdog on August 10, 2009 at 2:41pm — 16 Comments

Peed in the Bedroom Again

This is actually funny. In 3 months of owning this little devil it was THE FIRST time ever I caught him in action.

We have this mirror in the bedroom that has to go on the wall, but we never have time to do it. Shiro was playing with it a couple times, trying to figure out where's that dog. It was funny to watch him looking in the mirror, then trying to look behind it. So last week he peed in front of this mirror twice in one day, and I already blooged about it. I thought part of it must… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on August 10, 2009 at 12:55pm — 7 Comments

Someone got a little too close to the heater...

So it's winter in Australia, and in our part of the country very cold. I was at uni today so my Mum was looking after Potus.

Now everyday we put on the heater to warm the house. My mother seems to feel the cold more than I and so puts the heater on a higher temperature. It's an old heater from the 70's and is fixed into the house. It's run on gas and has some sort of plates that heat up to orange. There's a metal grate in front of it so you can't actually touch the heated elements… Continue

Added by Potus on August 10, 2009 at 5:00am — 6 Comments

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Property Laws

1. If I like it, it's mine.

2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.

3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.

4. If I can take it from you, it's mine.

5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours.

6. If it looks like mine, it's mine.

7. If I saw it first, it's mine.

8. If it's edible, it's mine.

9. If you have something and put it down, it's mine.

10. If I chew something up, all the pieces are mine.

11. If I get tired of it, it's… Continue

Added by Jessica and Zero on August 10, 2009 at 3:39am — 5 Comments

Naming issues.. LOL Help?!

So for those who know & or dont know. I got my corgi puppy, but we are having a Hard time naming her. we have a list going but we can't really Pin point what one we like. Plus my brother & friends keep throwing more good ideas & we are at square one again.. LOL we don't have her home yet. got one more payment to the breeder before we bring her home. but i need to figure out a name to tell the breeder to start calling her... garg.... Help?!…


Added by Melanie Fischer on August 10, 2009 at 3:09am — 11 Comments

Chewing problem!

Miso is in BIG TROUBLE right now. She's been chewing paper lately. Or anything she can get her mouth on. First, she chewed on the phone book. That wasn't so bad, aside from a bit of slobber and a piece of the first few pages chewed out. What she's in BIG TROUBLE for is getting into daddy's DVD collection, selecting his Venture Brothers. CD (his pride and joy among his DVDs, oft rewatched), and chewing up the cardboard cover. Needless to say, he is extremely angry now. The DVD… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on August 10, 2009 at 12:06am — 5 Comments

Who says Pennies aren't popular?

Well we have had Penny for about 4 days now and needless to say she has been an absolute blast. Although she still has moments of fright from random noises and small hand size puppies she has shown enough bravery to not cower in the presence of larger dogs.

She gets along marvelously with the cat. The cat even taunts her at night just to get the dog to chase her. However, they are just as capable of sleeping in bed near one another. With our friends Penny has been a charmer. They all… Continue

Added by Adam & Kim on August 9, 2009 at 10:46pm — 2 Comments

The Truth about the Pembroke Welsh Corgi (article)

This was shared here before but it is so good I think it bears repeating. I found it at the Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers website (

The Truth About:


(reproduced in part with permission by Laughing Dog Press)

… I hear and read what people say about Corgis. It is clear that we are adored — as we should be — but there are many misconceptions that need… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on August 9, 2009 at 7:09pm — 5 Comments

Sweet Corgi at Camarillo, California Kill Shelter!

Sweet Corgi needs rescue at the Camarillo Shelter. Please go to and look at his sweet face!

"This DOG - ID#A473193

This animal is an unaltered male, red and white Welsh Corgi - Pembroke.


If you are interested in this animal, please visit the shelter during normal business hours.

My age is unknown.

I have been at the shelter since Jul 26,… Continue

Added by Mochi on August 9, 2009 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Trip to Ohio

Just returned from a week in Ohio. I visited my aunt's friend one day and lo and behold he had a wonderful little two-year old named Colli. She is so sweet! Click on trip to see photo.

Added by Joyce and Mollie on August 9, 2009 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Herding rats?

I was talking to friend, a vet., yesterday, he claimed that there was an additional historical use for a Corgi!

He told me that Corgis were used to herd rats back onto ships bound for the Continent during an outbreak of Bubonic Plague in seventeenth century London.

Has anyone heard of this before, was there any historical reference for this claim? Or my pal is just joking with me?

Added by David on August 9, 2009 at 11:29am — 12 Comments

A short introduction

I'm new here so I figured I'd post a little introduction of myself and my little boy, Zen. My family adopted Zen about two months ago. He's a rescue dog and a really funny mix of corgi and who knows what (we think there's some Australian shepherd in there somewhere), with a big dog body and stumpy little corgi legs. I'd never thought much about corgis before we got him, but thanks to Zen, they're quickly becoming one of my favorite kinds of… Continue

Added by Nichole Steig on August 8, 2009 at 9:31pm — 6 Comments

Zim Is Sick

My boy is so sick. The vets are doing all they can to try to figure out why he is vomiting and has diarrhea with traces of blood. So far they are ruling out blockages, the pancreas and his gall bladder, they have now sent stool samples to the lab to test for Giardia. He won't eat, he hasn't eaten in days, he is drinking so that's a plus. They prescribed food for him that he won't get near. I am trying to be strong for my kids (who are stressed out) but every time I look at him I just want to… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on August 8, 2009 at 3:32pm — 27 Comments


Hannah graduated from puppy class this week! I'm so proud of her. =D

(She was a tad bit annoyed by the hat!)

I'm hoping to get her into some agility classes before the end of the year, if time allows. The only vet office here in town recently opened up a 1.5 acre of property to be used as a dog park, and they also have a full agility course. It's free to the public, and they also offer the agility training. There are… Continue

Added by Jamie on August 8, 2009 at 2:37pm — 7 Comments

6 Month Update

Okay so her 6 month pup-aversary is coming up on the 18th but didn't know when I would have time to update so here goes.

Maui is growing! Like any pup of course but its dramatic the spurts she goes through. She's tall one day and long the next. Eat little one day and eat like her legs are hollow the next day! She talks back to me still, and she will obey us for the most part. Gosh she just gets prettier every day! Still harassing her brothers, and enjoying our company when they visit… Continue

Added by The Mau on August 8, 2009 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Paw Licking

Every now and then Gretzky will lick his paw until a sore forms. I've tried wrapping it in a bandage , which ends up being like a "cast" on his little leg. I noticed him licking his paw last night and am wondering if anyone has a suggestion. First of all, why do they do it.... AND what can I do about it??

Added by Deb , Gretzky, and Norman on August 8, 2009 at 9:45am — 4 Comments

What Happened to My Dog?

Ok, we are shaking our heads about this one. We just bought Ben and brought him home a week ago. Everything was fine and he was getting to know us and we were getting to know him. He is 9 weeks old. He took to us and started to be part of our family. He went on a leash for the first time and just did great no, problems. Later on in the week I found that he had Tape Worms. So being that it was a long weekend here in Canada we could not get him to a Vet until the Tuesday. We went to the Vets he… Continue

Added by Fumiko, Greg, and Ben on August 8, 2009 at 12:33am — 10 Comments

Penny eats a toad

I just spent the day at the vet with Penny...she ate a dead toad...well when they eat a toad they start foaming at the mouth...drooling...lethargic...get REALLY sick and to make it worse she ate it whole and the skeleton is in her tummy.......x-rays...poisen control check...special food I have to feed her a TABLESPOON at a time...what an ordeal!!! She is out cold on the dining room floor now...and doing much better...poor baby was sooo we just have to pray that she passes… Continue

Added by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on August 7, 2009 at 5:57pm — 20 Comments

A Litttle Corgi Humor

At one of my Grandson's birthday parties a little girl saw our Corgi, Gretzky, for the first time and yelled to her Dad: "Look at the enormous hamster!"

Added by Deb , Gretzky, and Norman on August 6, 2009 at 11:50pm — 10 Comments

Charlie Pics

This is because I didn't get to post photos of him during his welcoming post :)

In the second photo you can see his chewed up ears and the ring around his neck where the collar was :(

The first photo you can kind of see the bites in the front of the ears as well. Those are gone now. This was sent to me while the boy was out there checking Charlie out at his old home. The last is at his old home.

He is doing a lot better now - fur is growing into the ears and his… Continue

Added by Avyon on August 6, 2009 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

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