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Not eating?

As you all know, we just got Vikki. I put food out last night for her, figuring she wouldn't eat since it's a new house, etc.

She maybe ate 2 little nuggets of food. This morning, she maybe ate 2 as well. I'm a little worried and I don't want her to starve! She's playing and snuggling, just fine. Just.. not eating..

I know it's normal since it is a big change, but how long is to long of not eating?

Added by Brianne Mumy on May 29, 2012 at 8:32am — 5 Comments

Ms. Vikki is home!

Good Evening All!!

I'm new here to the board and I thought I'd say hello! I joined initially hoping to find a Corgi and adopt one into our home. Well, I am proud to annouce, we found one. And she seems like such an angel!! She is 2 years old and is a tri-colored Corgi. I am in LOVE with her already and she's only been home for 2 hours! I also have 2 cats that are my babies and I was very worried about, but so far so good! No growling, hissing or fighting.

She is just so…


Added by Brianne Mumy on May 28, 2012 at 7:56pm — 7 Comments

Story is home!

We drove from NM to CO over the weekend to pick up our tri-colored, 5 pound bundle of puppy cuteness!  I am so in love with this little girl!  She slept during most of the 6 hour drive home, she slept perfectly in her crate last night with 2 potty breaks and no crying, and she has made herself perfectly at home.  She has already shown us she is a proficient frapper and loves to swim in her water dish!

Added by Tomi and Story on May 28, 2012 at 6:38pm — 4 Comments


Some memories make us laugh, and some memories make us cry. Either way, they remind us of something we loved. When the irises began to bloom around Stinky Wink's grave last month, floods of memories washed over me. I still cannot take a shower without seeing him sitting at the bathroom door, waiting for me to throw a toy down the hall.  I hear him when my wife would come home,…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 28, 2012 at 3:25pm — 4 Comments

My Ever-Growing Puppy Preparation Lists

I've never had my own dog before, so I'm trying to compile as much information as I can before our little corgi comes home in July! If I'm missing anything, pleaaase let me know!


  • Crate (life stage 36 wire crate or a 36 plastic airline approved crate)
  • Homemade enzyme cleaner
  • Food
  • Toys (chew toys, Kongs, squeaky toys,…

Added by Janna Banana on May 28, 2012 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

My little introduction

I want to start off by saying what a wonderful wealth of information this little site is! My boyfriend and I will be getting our first dog ever this July! She'll be a little 10-week old Pembroke red and white girl. We are beyond excited.

I've already been pouring over as much information as possible, hoping to train our puppy into a sweet polite little lady. I've grown up with misbehaving, yappy miniature schnauzers my whole life... so I'm looking forward to doing things right…


Added by Janna Banana on May 28, 2012 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

cat love! <3

emi is getting along much better with the cats now ^^ we've had her for almost a month, and she and bugs are like two peas in a pod while the other two cats tolerate her now ! (:

among all the other things, im glad this was one thing that we were able to figure out, makes my life a little less stressful ^^…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on May 28, 2012 at 12:04am — 1 Comment

Hot Days of Summer

Here it is only the end of May and we are in the hot days of summer--at least here in Central Illinois. And I'm not the only one that thinks that; two baby Corgis agree! It's amazing that when the weather is moderate, it is almost impossible to get the boys to come inside. With this blazing hot weather, it's difficult to get them to go OUT. To further complicate things, Taffy has fallen victim to what I call OBS (Obstinate Bowel Syndrome)! There are just TOO many things to do outside that…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 27, 2012 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

Memorial Progress

I feel guilty at times at how normal life seems now, even though it's only been about two months since Murphy passed away. He was my best friend and my heart dog, and although he's gone, I truly feel that because I loved him so FULLY when he was here, and because he knew how strong my love was for him, that he will always be with me, watching over me, and snuggling up to my heart when times get tough.

Maya has been growing up a lot in the last couple months. We've left her out…


Added by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on May 27, 2012 at 1:16am — 3 Comments

My little boy is growing up

Today is Camden's first birthday, and I can definitely say that even with his quirks (he ate one of my textbooks), he is the best decision I have ever made. He's such a sweet little boy.

So, we're off for some play time at the park, and he's gonna get some new tennis balls and a special dinner tonight. Bye!

Added by Cassie, Camden, and Oaklie on May 26, 2012 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments

Earning His Keep

My dear little Brodie meant it when he showed up saying he would work for food. He has definitely been earning his keep lately around here. He has been flushing out the armadillos at dawn and dusk lately quite regularly. Yesterday, however, he had a banner day! We were out walking late in the evening, just before dusk, when he spotted a rattlesnake in our yard! Bless his little heart, he knew it was not just an average every day snake, because he treated it quite different than he does most…


Added by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on May 25, 2012 at 1:01pm — 13 Comments

air horn

 good idea,, i am wondering if it will work to stop Remy from wanting to take chase to cats,, everything goes out the window, when the next door dog takes off after a cat, most of the time he is on his leash ,, but when we are playing fetch that is when it happens ,,, going to remember this when i go to the store

Added by vera miller on May 24, 2012 at 5:43pm — 2 Comments


Bailie is now just a little over four months old now and has starting showing signs of what I believe is cutting her adult teeth, so I have some questions. What are the signs of seething, how old was your corgi when they cut their adult teeth, and what are some things you did to relieve the pain? Thanks very much!

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on May 24, 2012 at 3:52pm — 4 Comments

How Fast the Days Go!

I apologize that I have not posted more often. Two little guys can keep an old man running! We're finally sleeping all night. We were getting up about 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Now we're getting up about 6-6:30 a.m. At first they were getting used to their new home. Then we went to the vet and they got worm medicine, which contributed to the frequent cries to get out of the crate in the middle of the night. But they didn't mess their beds. Unbelievable!

It's amazing to see their…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 23, 2012 at 8:03pm — 6 Comments

Potty Problem!

Hi, it's been 2 months since I got Cola and I've been having problems with his potty training. He usually goes to bathroom 5 times a day and I've been using potty pads since I go to college during the day and have to keep him in his pen half of the day. The problem is he's been peeing on the potty pads most of the times but he also doesn't pee on it once or twice everyday. This is kind of pissing me off because a few weeks earlier there had not been as many accidents as it has been recently.…


Added by Calvin Tandi on May 23, 2012 at 6:36pm — 19 Comments

9 months

Lucy turned 9 months old yesterday! I can't believe how grown up she's getting. She really is turning into quite the lady. She's still wild and crazy, but not as much as when she was a little puppy. She is so smart. Last week she learned "wave bye-bye" which is the cutest thing ever! She's an absolute delight and I can't wait to see what the future brings with her in my life.…


Added by Bonni B on May 23, 2012 at 1:18pm — 3 Comments

quick update!

hello all~!

hope you guys had a great weekend! with summer coming up here in riverside, ca we've been getting 90-100 degree weather @_____@ of course emi doesnt approve, and hates getting up and out of the ac'ed house! 

  • potty training
    • potty training has been going REALLYYYY good!! the last time i updated about potty training was when we were having troubles switching her from 2.5 hours to 3 hours between potty breaks! i think at one time, we took her out…

Added by liane, emi, and helix! on May 22, 2012 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Chicken Jerky Treats Recall


Saw this on MSNBC.


Three top brands of chicken jerky treats were among those most recently cited by pet owners and veterinarians in complaints of harm, FDA records obtained by showed. They included Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek Ranch brands produced by Nestle Purina PetCare Co., and Milo’s Kitchen Home-style Dog Treats, produced by the Del Monte Corp.

Import data compiled by the…


Added by Grand Duchess CoCo Chanel on May 22, 2012 at 1:20pm — 2 Comments

color me mine

have you guys ever been to color me mine? 

color me mine is an art studio franchise that specializes in ceramics! the idea behind the store is very unique to me, cause i never heard about anything like this before!

basically what you do, is you pick a ceramic of your choice, and you pick all these stencils and colors to paint it with! you have the choice to make it as personalized and customized as you would like! 

i dont know about you guys, but im not the…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on May 21, 2012 at 8:00am — 8 Comments

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