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Portable Carrier -JR says I think not!!!

My husband and I have a RV which our two babies LOVE. We recently purchased a nylon carrier with the zippers in the front for our big boy to hang out in when they are in the RV alone (needless to say he jumps and barks a great deal when we are not around..some RVers in adjoing spaces have been quite entertained). Much to our dismay the first go in the carrier JR got out. I had said to my husband I felt that he would likely chew his way out but much to my surprise, he must be able to work… Continue

Added by Michelle on June 25, 2009 at 10:03pm — 8 Comments

I knew he could do it!

Stanley took his Canine Good Citizen test tonight and he...PASSED! I figured he would but I was a little worried about him jumping on the other dogs as he walked past them. He's always in play mode and wants to wrestle with every dog he sees. But all in all, he did us proud!

--Jenny aka Proud Corgi Mama

Added by Stanley & Charlotte on June 25, 2009 at 9:52pm — 6 Comments

Mac is home!

Finally, the day has come and gone! Mac has finally arrived at his new home and has actually settled in quite nicely! My friends had warned me about whimpering, sleeping excessively and cleaning up nightmare urine and poo! The day went by quite the opposite, he was already potty trained and only had one slight accident, he slept quite a lot but as soon as he woke up, he was one active dog! It's been a dreamy start to a great relationship!…


Added by Ray on June 25, 2009 at 9:26pm — 1 Comment

Ten Weeks!

Starbuck was ten weeks old yesterday. She got her second puppy shots. She was very nice to the vet... until they gave her a shot. She cried and cried, and it broke my heart! She has a slight ear infection, so they cleaned out her ears. She gets to have medicine for the next couple weeks. She hates it. When we were on our way to reward her with a snowcone, she threw up in the car... so we turned around and headed straight back to the vet. She got her temperature taken and took it like a champ!… Continue

Added by Stephanie, Greg, Starbuck on June 25, 2009 at 5:46pm — 1 Comment

Milo is on Facebook!

Funny how Milo is more popular than us on Facebook! After we got Milo on Facebook, our friends started to put their dogs on Facebook. He is one PUPULAR dog. =)

Ever since having Milo, we have known more dog-friendly people. We have had strangers stop us in the park/street and asked us curiously what Milo's breed is. I think the Corgi breed is growing in popularity! I would really want to see more and more corgis around. Everytime we bump into a corgi in the street, we always say hi… Continue

Added by Milo Love on June 25, 2009 at 3:44pm — 1 Comment

(Gift ideas) If in DC, companies from Wales (Pembrokeshire, even) at Folklife Festival

If you're in DC this week or next, make a trip down to the Mall to check out the sights at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. There's lots of music, food, and crafts.

Speaking of crafts, the Wales exhibit has crafts from a couple of companies from southwest Wales, one which hails from Pembrokeshire (Melin Tregwynt), and Corgi Hosiery Limited! Both companies produce interesting, colorful items which would make great holiday gifts (trying to think ahead here).

The only… Continue

Added by Elaine on June 25, 2009 at 10:46am — No Comments

Help me think of a name!

So I've been trying to think of a name for my little red and white pem girl... so far these are the names I've come up with...

Fae - This is my favorite so far. I read a welsh fairy tale about the origin of corgi's that said they were a gift from the fairies to humans. It's also the name of one of my favorite cowboy beebop characters (Faye Valentine).

IchiKo - Meaning "first child" in Japanese. This is my first dog and I have no kids so I felt it was appropriate. I… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on June 24, 2009 at 5:30pm — 16 Comments

I just found out;

That since I requested the smallest male, I am actually getting the runt!! I thought one of the females was going to be the runt. But I was wrong, and I am sure happy about that!

Added by Amber and Kipland James on June 24, 2009 at 3:03pm — 6 Comments

Just catching up

My internet has been down so I don't get online very often. So I thought I would just post a little update of my "kids". Levi turned one in May, and is driving me crazy because he likes to race around the yard and bark at all the neighbors and their dogs. I can't wait until our house sells and we can hopefully move out of town.

Taz is going to be 8 months old on July 3rd. He is as big if not bigger than KC, He has a few nicknames, Taz the Tank, Moose, Fatso, Chubby. Although I don't think… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on June 24, 2009 at 12:11pm — 1 Comment

Ein's a worker

It's been too long without batteries lol chicks are half grown, we have about 12 that like to come out of the pen to hunt the bugs, and Ein loves to walk along and surprise a unwary chicken butt'sniffffSQUAWK!!' i laugh and laugh ...well...we have chicks in the house, and Ein refused to look at them for a day...or walk past the tub they are in... heheh today, two days later, he has decided to sniff them and walk past them without the 'what did i do?'… Continue

Added by Carol & Ein & Widget on June 24, 2009 at 10:44am — 7 Comments

My vacuum

It well!

Added by Esther and Winnie on June 24, 2009 at 12:34am — No Comments

Close call

Today when I got home from work I caught autumn eating a piece of sugar free gum! I tried to pull it out of her mouth with no luck. Cramming my finger down her throat didn't do any good getting it back up (do dogs have a gag reflex?) So it was off to the vet. $200. Later autumn is acting completely normal

and rambunctious. While I was waiting for her though some boys brought in the cutest pit puppy. Unfortunately the symptoms they discribed sounded like parvovirus to me. Which instantly… Continue

Added by Mochi on June 24, 2009 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

its not a spoon full of sugar

But it helps the medicine go down. I have been putting Oscar's potassium bromide into his dinner at night. He seems to like this much better than me forcing the liquid into his mouth. He has been doing so well on his anti seizure meds and has not had another seizure since he left the hospital He has been so full of energy he is driving me crazy. I work an annoying shift 11-8 while my boyfriend works mostly nights 4-midnight so from 4 to 8 Oscar is gated in the kitchen doing his own thing by… Continue

Added by Melissa on June 23, 2009 at 8:57pm — No Comments


So a couple of days ago, I noticed Obi's stomach was getting bigger. Sort of stretched and tight, like a drum or ballon. At first I didn't think anything of it, figuring he was just being lazy or eating to much. Well, the next day his stomach had gotten HUGE. His belly was so swollen, he was having trouble running around and playing.

I started to freak out, thinking that he might have had an allergic reaction to the medicine I've been giving him for his paws, or that he might have… Continue

Added by Jackie on June 23, 2009 at 4:19pm — 12 Comments

Pee. (TMI maybe?)

Miso was doing REALLY good at crate training, didn't have any problems ever...then, last night, she went potty in her kennel (right when I was about to go to bed). She got a bath, and her kennel got scrubbed down good with some stain and odor remover, same goes for her toys. When I go to take her out, right as I'm opening the door she piddles on the carpet (REMINDER TO SELF: Shampoo carpet!) I get woken up this morning to my husband telling me that she's peed in her kennel, AGAIN. So I clean it… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on June 23, 2009 at 4:11pm — 2 Comments

Long Time No Visit :)

Wow, seems like forever since I've been here. Life has a way of getting busy and things get lost in the tussle. Sunny made it through his first winter and loved it. He likes to play "snow plow" just like his big brother. It's so hard getting those two inside, they love the snow so much. Both are doing so well but it amazes me how two full brothers out of different litters can be SO different. Zim always seems like such a grown up and Sunny (who just turned a year old last Thursday) still seems… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on June 23, 2009 at 1:12pm — No Comments

chicken killer

Sat. we were at the stable where I board my horse. I walked up to the restroom and Corie followed me, but when I came out, she was gone, so I figured she had gone back to where my husband was sitting. She wasn't there, so he called her and she came running (she had stayed behind to play with the ranch dogs). As she got closer we could tell she had something in her mouth... it was a dead baby chicken . . . I immediately got rid of the evidence.. bad Corgi!

I don't think any one saw her, at… Continue

Added by Sondra on June 23, 2009 at 12:18pm — 3 Comments

dog bite

Last week I was dog sitting my friends 6 yr old Corgi and while cleaning off his feet and belly after a trip through the mud, he bit me very badly when I touched his 'personal areas'. Apparently that's a no no. But his mommy says he has never acted like that was a problem with her. So I got to go to the ER and get it packed, tetnus booster, round of antibiotics, the whole 9 yards. It still hurts a lot and has prohibited me from doing homework as it's on my right hand.

Anybody else… Continue

Added by Alicia on June 23, 2009 at 10:50am — 7 Comments

Strange Poo issue with Blue Buffalo food Please read

Wow has it been a long time since I have been on here. The motherboard to my computer decided to go out and I have been without a computer now for 3 weeks. Thank goodness it happened after finals!!! I have been going to the local coffee shop or my friends house to help keep up with bills but just haven't had the time to get on here. What a mess. I hopefully will get my computer back sometime this week. With that said hope everyone has been doing great!

I finally got my big dog. My… Continue

Added by Amy on June 23, 2009 at 1:47am — 6 Comments

Jasper's First Hotel Stay!

We had so much fun this weekend! We went on a little mini vacation to Williamsburg, VA and Jasper stayed in a hotel for the first time. We really were trying to find a La Quinta to stay in but there weren't any in the immediate area so we found a Howard Johnson that was pet friendly. I was worried that he might start barking when we left him in the room (even though he was in his crate and never barks in there) because he was in a strange place but we never got a complaint. I stood by the door… Continue

Added by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on June 22, 2009 at 11:45pm — 1 Comment

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