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On the Road to Recovery

Orion's ACL repair surgery was done yesterday afternoon after tearing it on sunday. He seems to be doing well, except perhaps a little jealous watching the free-roaming Laika and cat from his kennel :(

 I was a terrible mom and thought that he was sedated enough not to need the e-collar last night but he pulled his stitches so I brought him in this morning and put a…


Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on April 27, 2012 at 2:10pm — 12 Comments

Toy recommendations for agressive chewers?

Hi all,

My year old Corgi Bosco is a really agressive chewer.  I buy a toy or rope for him and he has it shredded by the day's end.  I gave him a tennis ball and he had the fuzz pulled off and the ball in half in an hour.  Thankfully he doesn't eat any of it...he just loves chewing.  I buy the harder Nylabones and he has a ball chewing them to pointy spears all the time, but wondered if any of you experienced owners with chewers have any recommedation for some fun toys that can stand…


Added by Tina Schultz on April 27, 2012 at 11:46am — 4 Comments


I just joined, and wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm Allie, and my husband, 3 yr old son, and myself just got our very first corg-monster. She's a sable (but mostly red) Pem, and she is 12 weeks. We've had her now for about 4 weeks, and while she is a little firecracker (and frankly a teeny bit bossy) we love her, and I'm already planning out…


Added by Allie May Thitte on April 27, 2012 at 10:47am — 8 Comments

Tomorrow cannot come sooner!!

Talked to the breeder today. Jack's flying out here tomorrow night! By this time tomorrow, he should already be here! :] I'm so excited!!! We had a slight hiccup earlier since Jack went to the vet, and the vet found out he developed hematoma at his incision site, but he should be fine with some antibiotics. Which I will now have to learn to feed to him. Haha.


Today I went pet supply shopping. Spent a good... almost $200. And that's without all the crate stuff, and the x-pen!…


Added by Shou on April 27, 2012 at 2:19am — 16 Comments


We are now counting down the days! We get the boys a week from tomorrow (May 4th). We can hardly wait. Taffy's ears are firmly up, but Huey's ears are being lazy . LOL  We are so anxious to get them home.…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on April 27, 2012 at 12:11am — 9 Comments

Corgi Leash Training

Help! I have an incredibly wonderful but STUBBORN corgi. She is almost a year and a half and I still cannot train her to walk properly on a leash.

She pulls constantly, barks and does not listen to us. It ruins the walking experience for everyone involved.

We've tried leashes, harnesses, muzzle-harnesses, and choke collars (NOT with spikes!). We will hold her close to us, tell her bad dog when she pulls, try to reward her when she doesn't pull (which is close to…


Added by Kristin Carner on April 26, 2012 at 5:25pm — 6 Comments

Vote for Corgis on SQUISHABLE.COM! =)

vote for corgis!


we can't let the shiba inus win!


Yoshi wants a corgi squishable to sleep with at night! =)

Added by Lisa && Yoshi on April 26, 2012 at 2:46pm — 9 Comments

Three more days!

I'm getting sooo excited! Only three more days until I can bring Nadia home with me!

My boyfriend and I are driving there (it's 5 hours away) Saturday morning, then we're staying the night at a hotel and driving back with Nadia Sunday night. The breeder is at the Cargigan Nationals this week, so she won't be home until Sunday evening. I just couldn't wait another week, though!


I'm nervous and anxious too, though! I'm all worried that I'll mess something up, do…


Added by AsthmaticHummingbird on April 26, 2012 at 2:23pm — No Comments

Do it again!!!

When I was teaching Waffle to Wafflecopter (spin), I wanted him to spin 2 times in a row, not just one.  So, I would tell him to Wafflecopter, and he'd spin once, then I'd say "Do it again!!!" really excitedly while making the hand motion, and he'd do it. Well, with this, he learned pretty quickly to do Wafflecopter with 2 spins instead of one.  

Now I'm trying to teach him to bow.  I can't quite figure out a way to make him bow, so it's a very slow process trying to capture…


Added by Rachael & Waffle on April 26, 2012 at 1:18pm — 5 Comments

R.I.P. Great Aunt Mistletoe

Gromit’s Great-Aunt Mistletoe, litter mate to my first Corgi pals Watson & Tinsel,  is finally gone at age 13.  Degenerative Myelopothy (DM)  won as it always…


Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on April 25, 2012 at 11:00pm — 11 Comments

Collar and tag

My sweet Corgi Lucy has a white ring around her neck and breast.  When we put her city dog tag on her it turns her neck gray.  It drives me crazy because it makes her look dirty even after a bath.  I take her to the dog park a lot and she has to have this tag on for proof of shotsAny suggestion on what I might be able to do to stop this from happening.

Added by AMY OLDHAM on April 25, 2012 at 7:34am — 11 Comments

I Made Shippo a Collar!

Here it is!  Been planning on doing this for a long time.

It's a double-layer, hand-tooled martingale collar.  The inside of it is suede-lined for his comfort.  I LOVE how it turned out!  I'll be testing it for the next few…


Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on April 24, 2012 at 10:37pm — 11 Comments

Another day with Ravioli--some questions!

First off, I want to thank everyone for their support and advice, it really helped to know that everyone went through the same thing. this is another long one but i hope you read it because i could still use some support! Ravioli did better yesterday after my first post and he seems like he's opening up to us a little bit. he seems to be eating normally now whenever i give him food and isn't as mopey--he seems to explore more when we're just sitting on the couch instead of laying around like…


Added by Kaley and Ravioli on April 24, 2012 at 2:30pm — 7 Comments

Lincoln the foster dog!

I recieved a phone call from my dear friend Lynne over the weekend. She told me that she had taken in a foster dog and was wondering if I could come spend some time with her. I was instantly excited! She told me she was some kind of mixed breed, maybe heeler, husky, with some corgi in her. She said that some man had brought her to the Lane County Animal Shelter because she…


Added by Jennifer Schenk on April 23, 2012 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments

Ravioli is finally home, but I have some concerns

let me first preface this by saying that this post will be long, but i ask that you please read because i really need some support from the community. please!!!

Ravioli came home saturday evening, and he seemed pretty ok with us (my boyfriend and i). we brought him back to the apartment and he explored a lot. the breeder said he hadn't used the bathroom all day (which was from before 9am to 630pm when we got him). we took him out a couple times that night and he still never went to…


Added by Kaley and Ravioli on April 23, 2012 at 12:00pm — 21 Comments

If it's meant to be, it'll happen... // Finally!!

Being part of this site has only been a very short part of my dog-wanting life, but I'm very, very happy to report that a payment has been made, and contracts reviewed... Finally, after almost 20 years of waiting... I'm getting a puppy. :]


Everyone, meet "Jack"!

(Totally grabbed this photo from the breeder's fb. Haha. Hope she doesn't…


Added by Shou on April 23, 2012 at 3:20am — 25 Comments

Corgi Tricks

Just posted a video of Napolean's tricks. If anyone needs any ideas (Ive been seeing some people are stumped on what to teach their corgis) here are some ideas!


Added by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on April 22, 2012 at 11:39pm — 13 Comments

My shaved corgi experience

I'm not vet-groomer-specialist-anything.  But we did have a shaving experience with the groomer.  I said 'trim her up for summer' and I came back to find Loo cut down to her undercoat.  Freaked me out.  I must have a smart groomer because she said that cutting them down to the undercoat would allow the hair to grow back healthy.  Taking it down all the way and it would not grow back as well.  

My husband and I have had many discussions about shaving.  We asked the vet-the vet said it…


Added by Stephanie Starkey on April 22, 2012 at 9:06pm — 4 Comments

Corgi signs

Here's some signs I made for my wife, Gail.  The center one is a caricature of Ashton!

Added by John, Alphonse and Pino on April 21, 2012 at 11:56pm — 12 Comments

Help Me With A Mother's Day Gift

A gift for me that is!  I want one of these pillows from Red Envelope for Mother's Day but I don't know what to put on the second line.

I want the red pillow for a place of prominence on a black leather chair in our living room. The first line will say "TWINKIE".  And I think the second line should say something about how…


Added by Cindi & Twinkie on April 21, 2012 at 12:13pm — 4 Comments

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